December 2003 - Vol. 46 No. 12

December 2003 issue cover image


Opinion Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

Much was expected from mobile commerce by now. The move from mortar to modem was to be the prelude to the next step of conducting business(es) wirelessly. What happened? It’s certainly not because the multibillion-dollar promised land turned into a mirage; it’s that researchers and service providers are finding it takes more than a map […]
News News track

News Track

South Korea’s three leading telecom firms, major credit card companies, and several banks have combined efforts to enable Koreans to pay for goods and services by cell phone in a method similar to operating a TV remote control. In what has been reported as a mass effort to establish itself as a technology trendsetter, South […]
Opinion Forum


I found Erickson’s and Siau’s article "E-ducation" (Sept. 2003) an eloquent but alas typical example of the inadequacy of many technological approaches to education. Nothing I’ve read in the technical literature has dared ask whether education needs computer technology to begin with or if it does what role it might usefully play. The general attitude […]
News Nominees for elections and report of the ACM nominating committee

Nominees For Elections and Report of the ACM Nominating Committee

In accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the ACM, the Nominating Committee hereby submits the following slate of nominees for ACM’s officers. In addition to the officers of the ACM, five Members at Large will be elected. The names of the candidates for each office are presented in random order below: Back to Top […]
Practice Mobile commerce opportunities and challenges


Through the late 20th and early 21st centuries, technologists, vendors, and users alike have been searching for the next great wave in computing. The 1980s could accurately be labeled the decade of the personal computer, and the 1990s could just as appropriately be titled the decade of the Internet. Many experts would propose that the […]
Practice Mobile commerce opportunities and challenges

Mobile Commerce: What It Is and What It Could Be

Just a few years ago, many pundits proclaimed that m-commerce had arrived, and would shortly provide unprecedented commercial functionality to the masses [2, 5]. Cell phone users were expected to be routinely accessing data online [5], and speedy third-generation cellular standards would soon solve associated bandwidth difficulties [2]. It hasn’t quite worked out that way—it […]
Opinion Inside risks

The Devil You Know

Question: What’s worse than buggy software? Answer: Patches and upgrades that make things even worse. This is a dilemma critical to many applications. How should we cope with the untold millions of computers that are constantly subjected to penetrations, viruses, worms, and other nasties that exploit a steady stream of security weaknesses and flaws? Is […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

An Empirical Investigation of Online Consumer Purchasing Behavior

This article is focused on examining the factors and relationships that influence the browsing and buying behavior of individuals when they shop online. Specifically, we are interested in individual buyers using business-to-consumer sites. We are also interested in examining shopping preferences based on various demographic categories that might exhibit distinct purchasing attitudes and behaviors for […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

When Snipers Become Predators: Can Mechanism Design Save Online Auctions?

Online auction houses such as eBay, and to an extent Ubid, have become household names in today’s networked economy. They attract legions of buyers and sellers and have evolved from a bare-bones architecture designed solely to match buyers and sellers to a sophisticated virtual marketplace with value-added services such as feedback mechanisms, payment processing, and […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Authentication in E-Commerce

In online marketplaces like the Internet, both buyers and sellers face high levels of uncertainty. Concerns about security, trust, authentication, fraud, and risk of loss are often cited as among the most significant barriers to the growth of e-commerce [4]. A particularly important factor feeding the uncertainty is that traditional authentication mechanisms based on physical […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

A Fit-Gap Analysis of E-Business Curricula vs. Industry Needs

Despite the dot-com bust, e-business continues to expand, as many large, traditional businesses embrace it as a key component of their competitive strategies [8]. Forrester Research has estimated that e-business is expected to grow to $6.8 trillion worldwide by the year 2004, with its impact felt in almost every segment of the global economy [6]. […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

The Hybrid Clicks and Bricks Business Model

With the advent of the Internet, retail business attracted a myriad of new online pure players employing a clicks-only business model. In the early stage of electronic commerce, many of these “e-tailers” achieved stunning growth rates and had massive revenue streams. Online retailers such as and, led the way as startups that showed […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

The Impact of Common E-Business Interfaces

Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce has great potential to create new efficiencies for industries and their supply chains. While Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) over private networks has been used extensively for data interchange among large enterprises, it has had limitations of cost and rigid format specification that have precluded widespread adoption. Further, due to its batched nature, […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Deceived: Under Target Online

Suppose you’re trying to access your favorite search engine. You haven’t bookmarked it, so you type “” in your browser. Accidentally, you mistype “” instead. Your browser brings you to a page that looks just like Google’s but is connected to a competitor’s search engine. At the bottom of the page there is some small […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Creating Synergy with a Clicks and Mortar Approach

With the luxury of 20–20 hindsight, it has become increasingly clear that the Midas touch exhibited by virtual entities was reflective of an irrational exuberance. It was only a few years ago that the dot coms were extolled while the brick and mortars saddled with “burdensome” physical assets, and were ridiculed for being late in […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Lessons Learned from Vcommerce

Technical people know the tension created by accelerated development cycles coupled with expanded feature sets. Likewise, managers have all experienced the frustration of proposing a critical competitive feature and having the technical staff stare in stunned silence. New features are easy to imagine, but not always easy to implement by next Friday. Over the last […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Drivers of Internet Shopping

The two distinct forms of e-commerce—business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C)—have emerged as an important way of doing business that will surely grow in years to come. According to some recent forecasts, total Web sales will reach 1.4 trillion dollars in 2004. Most of the growth, however, is expected to be in B2B, with projected B2C […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

What’s So Different About the Mobile Internet?

The mobile Internet, defined as wireless access to the digitized contents of the Internet via mobile devices, has advanced significantly, both in terms of its user population and its technology. Recent research suggests that the number of mobile Internet users in the world will grow 18-fold between 2000 and 2005, to about 729 million [5]. […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Challenges to Internet E-Banking

The extension of money and banking to the cyberspace is an inevitable development in the information age. Over the past few years, many financial institutions have launched e-retail banking over the Internet. Given the requirements of matching marginal gains against marginal costs, evaluating the profitability of market development along specific dimensions and segments, and determining […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Commerce, E-Commerce, and M-Commerce: What Comes Next?

In ancient times, people exchanged their goods and services to obtain what they needed (such as clothes and tools) from other people. This system of bartering compensated for the lack of currency. People offered goods/services and received in kind other goods/services. Now, despite the existence of multiple currencies and the progress of humanity from the […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Hidden Surveillance By Web Sites: Web Bugs in Contemporary use

When a Web browser navigates to a Web page, it usually has to process several distinct network transactions, each referring to a different part of the requested page. These parts include the main HTML source of a Web page and any of its images, scripts, layers, CSS, Java applets, ActiveX objects, and so forth. These […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Do Privacy Seals in E-Commerce Really Work?

While e-commerce has not changed the basic nature of the commercial transaction, a trust gap has developed in business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce transactions. This trust gap centers primarily on the privacy of personally identifiable information, such as name, address, and so forth, that is an essential element of B2C transactions. A Forrester research survey suggests that […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Content Preparation and Management For E-Commerce Web Sites

One of many opportunities afforded by the Internet is that of e-commerce, which includes transactions between businesses and customers, as well as within and between businesses. For companies to take full advantage of the potential offered by the Web, it is essential that their sites be prepared and organized in a highly usable manner. This […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Knowledge-Sharing and Influence in Online Social Networks via Viral Marketing

Online social networks are increasingly being recognized as an important source of information influencing the adoption and use of products and services. Viral marketing—the tactic of creating a process where interested people can market to each other—is therefore emerging as an important means to spread-the-word and stimulate the trial, adoption, and use of products and […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Managing the Transition to Bricks and Clicks

Egghead, a brick-and-mortar computer retailer, with stores across 200 locations, abandoned its brick establishments to become a pure Internet set-up,<br><br>Charles Schwab was quick to react to the strategies of E*Trade and other competitors and moved its brokerage services to the Web. It gradually expanded its Web services to many areas, integrated its offline and online operations and became a brick-and-click set-up.<br><br>Through effective use of the Internet, UPS has been able to offer all of its services on the Web, as well as extend them. Apart from offering Web-based package tracking and delivery confirmation services, UPS offers document exchange service through which its business clients can transmit documents over the Net.
Research and Advances Virtual extension

A Comparison of B2b E-Service Solutions

The Internet is evolving not only to provide information and e-commerce transactions, but also to act as the platform through which services are delivered to businesses and customers. These electronic services or e-services could become a key part of the value provided by many businesses [2, 5, 10]. At the core of this evolution is […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Consumer-Perceived Risk in E-Commerce Transactions

A major promise of the Internet is its potential for online shopping and its benefits in the form of cost reduction, for consumers and businesses alike. For example, according to Penton Research (, using the Web site as a marketing tool provides a compelling means for cost reduction in terms of cost per contact statistics […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Customer-Centered Rules For Design of E-Commerce Web Sites

It is well known that customer experience is one of the critical factors for the success of e-commerce. In the e-commerce industry, quite a few reports discussed design guidelines for Web site design. In a series of reports about e-commerce user experience, Nielsen, Farrell, Snyder, and Molich [8] identified a set of design rules related […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Using Insurance to Create Trust on the Internet

The idea that trust is a stumbling block in the growth of Internet activities is not a new one. As many researchers have recognized, lack of trust can create problems for commerce in general, and for e-commerce in particular [3]. In 1997, one of the first e-commerce market surveys showed that consumers had strong privacy […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Viewpoint: Living and Bidding in an Auction Economy

The greatest barrier to an optimal free market is imperfect and costly information; to the extent that any buyer or seller is unaware of the other, economic opportunity is lost. In traditional markets, time, geography, language—and a host of other factors—have all been barriers to the complete exchange of information necessary for a perfect market. […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

A Five-Factor Framework For Analyzing Online Risks in E-Businesses

Why is it that e-businesses have not performed in line with expectations in the past years? Despite very optimistic projections for business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce not long ago, businesses have been very cautious in embracing this technology. One of the critical factors playing a major role is the risk associated with online commerce. Thus, a framework […]

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