
An Issue of Teamwork

This column was supposed to write itself. When Editor-in-Chief Moshe Vardi first asked me to tell readers how a typical issue of Communications comes together, I remember thinking "piece of cake."


Author Archives


Jim Gray: Humble Visionary

"Visionary" and "humble" are words often used in the same breath by friends and colleagues to describe Gray. His contributions to computer science are too numerous to tackle on this page; indeed, even in this issue.

Editorial Pointers

With this issue, we close one chapter in the evolving history of Communications and prepare to write another. Indeed, it is only fitting that a publication dedicated to chronicling how science and technology change our world take a look within to assess how best to recharge the editorial direction driven by those changes. The editorial […]

Editorial Pointers

The World Wide Web may bring the world to our fingertips, but for tens of millions, some of the greatest wonders of the Web still require proficiency in English—the dominant language for information seeking. Progress has been slow building search portals in other languages, but with online populations in some regions experiencing triple-digit growth, demand […]

Editorial Pointers

System security, as covered in these pages many times, is the ultimate team effort. It takes more than specialized equipment and protective strategies to maintain a system’s operations. It takes users to adopt these measures and apply them whenever necessary. On Team Security, the user is the weakest player. Ryan West, a design researcher at […]

Editorial Pointers

When embedded network sensing shifted from the laboratory to the natural environment, it was done under the meticulous design of scientists. Computer nodes embedded in the physical world would observe ecosystems, collecting field data intended to give researchers an unprecedented window into how nature works. But like most technologies with great repurposing potential, networked sensing […]

Editorial Pointers

Alternate reality gaming (ARG) is a relatively new genre of collaborative entertainment that combines online information and puzzles with real-world events. Known for their elaborate scavenger hunts, ARGs attract players into interactive plots that often blur the distinction between cyberspace and public space; online cues lead players to real-world clues with the goal of finding […]

Editorial Pointers

The first issue was 20 pages. Its technical content fell into three departments: Standards; Computer Techniques; and Unusual Applications. It told of new methods for square-root computations and of a programmed binary counter for the IBM Type 650 calculator. It was January 1958. Sputnik had been launched by the Soviet Union three months prior; the […]

Editorial Pointers

Creativity is as individual as the mind from which it springs. While designers have long used tools to help support creative ideas once unearthed, a new set of tools is helping the discovery process by accelerating the journey toward innovation. Moreover, these tools can be used by individuals, groups, and even whole communities. Our cover […]

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