
Author Archives

Research and Advances

The Value of Mobile Applications: a Utility Company Study

Mobile and wireless devices are enabling organizations to conduct business more effectively. Mobile applications can be used to support e-commerce with customers and suppliers, and to conduct e-business within and across organizational boundaries. Despite these benefits, organizations and their customers still lack an understanding of the value of mobile applications. Value is defined here as the principles for evaluating the consequences of action, inaction, or decision [4]. The value proposition of mobile applications can be defined as the net value of the benefits and costs associated with the adoption and adaptation of mobile applications [2].
Research and Advances

Creating a Virtual Store Image

Image is an important variable in the functioning of human behavior [3] and the acceptance of this position in the field of marketing has been pervasive; marketers are concerned with the image customers have of products, company, and retail stores as points of customer contact [7]. With the popularity of e-commerce and the blossoming of […]

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