
News Track

The U.S. government, despite denials to the contrary, is making its first moves toward a military-style draft of citizens with special skills in computers and foreign languages, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. The Selective Service System, an independent federal agency, has begun creating the procedures and policies to conduct such a targeted draft in the […]

2004 ACM Elections

April 8, 2004 PLEASE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE VIA POSTAL MAIL OR ELECTRONICALLY Dear ACM Member: The ACM Constitution provides that our Association hold a general election in even-numbered years for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Members-at-Large. Biographical information and statements of the candidates appear on the following pages. Enclosed with […]

News Track

Great concerts will soon produce more lasting memories when clubs and concert halls are equipped with digital kiosks enabling concertgoers to download a recording of the show to a small USB drive almost immediately after the performance. San Diego-based eMusic Live, one of a growing number of music distributors pioneering instant digital recordings, has opened […]

News Track

The offshoring of IT jobs has become such a political tinderbox in the U.S. that India’s outsourcing specialists fear its repercussions. The chairman of a leading Indian software firm recently told the New York Times: “The dramatic buildup of opposition before the U.S. elections is disturbing,” pointing out political reaction against outsourcing has already culminated […]

Acm’s Professional Development Centre Expands Learning Opportunities

One of ACM’s goals is to continually provide our members with meaningful professional development opportunities, supporting life-long career growth. In accordance with this goal, we are proud to announce the expansion of the ACM Professional Development Centre (PDC). The PDC was originally created in response to member feedback emphasizing a need for greater professional development […]

ACM Fellows

The ACM Fellows Program was established by Council in 1993 to recognize and honor outstanding ACM members for their achievements in computer science and information technology and for their significant contributions to the mission of the ACM. The ACM Fellows serve as distinguished colleagues to whom the ACM and its members look for guidance and […]

News Track

The U.S. Government, bowing to repeated Secret Service requests, is now deliberately obscuring its highest-quality aerial photographs over Washington in an effort to hide visible objects on the roofs of the White House, Capitol, and Treasury departments. The Associated Press reports this blurring policy also includes views of the Naval Observatory where the Vice President […]

News Track

White-light scanning technology used to map the human body as thousands of data points is helping create a sizing database of vital statistics for not only apparel manufacturers, but for the automotive, airline, and health care industries as well. Textile/Clothing Technology Corp. developed the size-extracting 3D body measuring system used on 11,000 volunteers in the […]

News Track

An increasing number of users are listening to anti-piracy campaigns instead of music, according to survey results from the New York-based research firm, NPD Group. When it first began tracking music deletions last May, NPD found 606,000 U.S. households eliminated music stored on their PCs. Three months later, 1.4 million households deleted all music files […]

ACM Annual Report For Fy03

We ushered in FY03 with a series of priorities and projects in place and a determination to set ACM on a course to expand and enhance member satisfaction and improve its financial outlook. Now, as we usher in this new calendar year, I am most pleased to announce the Association not only realized many of […]

News Track

South Korea’s three leading telecom firms, major credit card companies, and several banks have combined efforts to enable Koreans to pay for goods and services by cell phone in a method similar to operating a TV remote control. In what has been reported as a mass effort to establish itself as a technology trendsetter, South […]

News Track

Fast on the heels of a U.S. Federal Trade Commission report indicating the incidence of identity theft is far greater than the government previously believed, comes a report from the General Accounting Office offering clear evidence how easy it is to obtain fake driver’s licenses throughout the U.S. Congressional investigators readily convinced DMV employees to […]

News Track

Knowledge acquisition—a topic discussed frequently in this magazine in terms of the most effective ways for colleagues to share expertise and experience—is now being applied with a painful twist. A growing number of U.S. firms moving to outsourcing options expect their soon-to-be-pink-slipped tech employees to train their overseas replacements before they get the ax. The […]

News Track

On the same day India’s National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom) came out in defense of its recent claim that IT outsourcing to India has improved U.S. employment figures, the Associated Press reported a dramatic drop in U.S tech jobs migrating to India, Russia, and China. "U.S. banks, financial services, and insurance companies […]

News Track

It’s official. The very video games that make parents squirm are in fact beneficial for at least building visual attention skills in children. Researchers from the Center for Visual Science at the University of Rochester have found that first-person shooter games—the ones that require players to kill or maim virtual enemies and destroy screen-based surroundings—significantly […]

News Track

The Motion Picture Association of America figures studios lose more than $3 billion per year from piracy. But as often as industry finds new ways to stop pirates from copying its goods, the pirates find ways around them. No sooner were metal detectors placed outside screening rooms and theaters protected by security guards wearing night-vision […]

News Track

The CEO of a firm founded by the CIA warns against amassing a huge, unified database that would be available to U.S. government investigators as a way to fight terrorism. Gilman Louie of In-Q-Tel contends it’s "very dangerous to give the government total access" to such data, claiming individual freedom and privacy hang in the […]

News Track

The Technical Support Working Group (TSWG), a humble U.S. agency that until recently was little known even within Washington circles, is growing in size and stature as a seeker of antiterrorism gizmos. The Wall Street Journal calls the group the U.S.’s talent scouts for finding and funding novel devices to combat terrorism on behalf of […]

News Track

While war might hurt the overall U.S. economy, homeland security could help boost the beleaguered U.S. tech industry in the form of million-, indeed, billion-dollar contracts in defense spending over the next two years. The Bush Administration plans to increase government spending on computers, software, and services to over $58 billion in FY03, up 17% […]

News Track

Several major U.S. universities have refused federal contracts due to government caveats they feel restrict the integrity of their research programs. Some universities have walked away from federal contracts because the government has insisted on advance approval before research can be published, reports the Associated Press. MIT, for instance, recently turned down a $404,000 study […]

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