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The Technical Support Working Group (TSWG), a humble U.S. agency that until recently was little known even within Washington circles, is growing in size and stature as a seeker of antiterrorism gizmos. The Wall Street Journal calls the group the U.S.’s talent scouts for finding and funding novel devices to combat terrorism on behalf of […]


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While war might hurt the overall U.S. economy, homeland security could help boost the beleaguered U.S. tech industry in the form of million-, indeed, billion-dollar contracts in defense spending over the next two years. The Bush Administration plans to increase government spending on computers, software, and services to over $58 billion in FY03, up 17% […]

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Several major U.S. universities have refused federal contracts due to government caveats they feel restrict the integrity of their research programs. Some universities have walked away from federal contracts because the government has insisted on advance approval before research can be published, reports the Associated Press. MIT, for instance, recently turned down a $404,000 study […]

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The U.S. government is calling for volunteers from the science and technology arena to serve in the National Emergency Technology (NET) Guard. The task force is expected to mobilize at a moment’s notice to repair disruptions to the nation’s communications and technology infrastructure caused by terrorist attacks or other emergencies, according to The NET […]

News Tracks

The world’s smallest logic circuit ever created has been developed by IBM scientists at the Almaden Research Center in San Jose, CA. The entire circuit is less than a trillionth of a square inch; the equivalent circuit made from state-of-the-art silicon transistors takes up 260,000 times as much space. Instead of using the transistors and […]

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A simulation computer program designed to prevent terrorist attacks was shown at the White House to demonstrate the program’s homeland defense applications. Two professors at Purdue University’s e-Business Research Center improved on the technology, which was originally built for telecommunications and business, by incorporating two IBM supercomputers to build a "synthetic" model of the U.S. […]

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A $9 million, three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Biological and Environmental Research will enable researchers to create 1,000 points of light through tiny microelectromechanical systems (MEMs) electrodes to be positioned on the retinas of individuals blinded by diseases such as macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. These diseases damage rods and […]

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A compact supercomputer that proponents say could provide the model for high-performance computing systems in the years ahead has been built by the Research and Development in Advanced Network Technology (RADIANT) group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. A Beowulf cluster, the minisupercomputer—Green Destiny—was built from hundreds of “blade servers,” or compact servers stripped to their […]

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