
Author Archives


Pathways to Computing Careers

Accompanying the national discussion about the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), some questions have been raised about whether there really is a "STEM problem" when it comes to filling jobs in the U.S.

Acm’s Professional Development Centre Expands Learning Opportunities

One of ACM’s goals is to continually provide our members with meaningful professional development opportunities, supporting life-long career growth. In accordance with this goal, we are proud to announce the expansion of the ACM Professional Development Centre (PDC). The PDC was originally created in response to member feedback emphasizing a need for greater professional development […]

Acm’s Position on the Licensing of Software Engineers

From 1993 through June 2000 ACM worked with the IEEE Computer Society on projects to examine and guide the evolution of software engineering as a profession. This work was originally carried out under the Joint IEEE-CS and ACM Steering Committee for the Establishment of Software Engineering as a Profession. In 1998 the joint committee was […]

ACM Opens Portal

Works published by ACM since its inception have been built into a special online collection known as the ACM Digital Library. Nearly half a century of pioneering concepts and fundamental research have been digitized and indexed in a variety of ways in this resource. The retrospective capture for all ACM journals, magazines, and proceedings is […]

ACM Digital Library Enhancements

As the new Executive Director and CEO of ACM, I am delighted to have this opportunity to share with you my excitement regarding some of the new initiatives and services ACM is launching this year. The organization has made major investments and taken significant strides in the area of electronic publishing and services—the ACM Digital Library is the cornerstone of this initiative.

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ACM encourages its members to take a direct hand in shaping the future of the association. There are more ways than ever to get involved.

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