April 2000 - Vol. 43 No. 4

April 2000 issue cover image



Editorial Pointers

Enterprise resource planning systems promise to integrate a wide array of business functions within an organization, everything from inventory control, to sales, production, purchasing, finance, human resources, and more. It all sounds pretty straightforward, and it would be, if all companies followed the same straightforward path. Fortunately, ERP systems have become far more flexible and […]

News Track

Bank mergers dominated 1998; 1999 was the year of the telecommunications merger. And this could be the year of Internet mergers. Experts expect the record-setting $166 billion merger of AOL and Time Warner may be the beginning of a wave of Net mergers and acquisitions. Analyst Jim Breyer of Accel Partners, Palo Alto, says the […]

ACM Fellows

The ACM Fellows Program was established by Council in 1993 to recognize and honor outstanding ACM members for their achievements in computer science and information technology and for their significant contributions to the mission of the ACM. The ACM Fellows serve as distinguished colleagues to whom the ACM and its members look for guidance and […]
Research and Advances

Enterprise Resource Planning: Introduction

Enterprise resource planning systems are configurable information systems packages that integrate information and information-based processes within and across functional areas in an organization. The current generation of ERP systems also provides reference models or process templates that claim to embody the current best business practices. Integration has been the Holy Grail of MIS since the […]
Research and Advances

Abstract Class Hierarchies, Factories, and Stable Designs

Much of the debate about the general aptness of class hierarchies is rooted in the different objectives taxonomists and implementers are thought to pursue. Designers of conceptual hierarchies tend to embrace Aristotle’s principle of genus et differentiae leading to a taxonomic hierarchy of categories or types [7], while those with implementation in mind focus on […]

Inside Risks: Denial-of-Service Attacks

A Funny Thing Happened on my Way to the (Risks) Forum this month. I had planned to write a column on the ever-burgeoning risks of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks relating to the Internet, private networks, computer systems, cable modems, and DSL (for which spoofing is a serious risk), and the critical infrastructures that we considered here […]

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