May 2000 - Vol. 43 No. 5

May 2000 issue cover image



Editorial Pointers

This month’s special section uncovers some of the most amazing technologies you’ll never see. That’s because they’ll be embedded everywhere and in pretty much everything. "Embedding the Internet" presents a kaleidoscope of ubiquitous devices and appliances with sensing and communications capabilities to distribute computational power beyond its current borders. Guest editors Deborah Estrin, Ramesh Govindan, […]

News Track

Engineers in Japan are developing trains that can “fly,” reports New Scientist. Using the “wing-in-ground” (WIG) effect, in which a high-pressure cushion of air forms beneath flying objects as they approach the ground, they believe they can create trains that use only a quarter of the power required for magnetically levitated (maglev) trains. The WIG […]


The front portion of "Forum" features responses to the "Viewpoint," "Not Now Not Like This" (Feb. 2000, p. 29), regarding the ACM Council’s decision to not endorse the licensing of software engineers. I think it is unfortunate that the Council concluded that ACM’s involvement in licensing efforts would be viewed as an endorsement of such […]

Inside Risks: Internet Risks

The Internet is expanding at an unprecedented rate. However, along with the enormous potential benefits, almost all of the risks discussed here in past columns are relevant, in many cases made worse by the Internet, due to widespread remote-access capabilities, ever-increasing communication speeds, the Net’s exponential growth, and weak infrastructure. This month we summarize some […]

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