The Smallness of Large Language Models
Computing Profession
We Need to Focus on How Our Data Is Used, Not Just How It Is Shared
Can Crowdsourcing Rescue the Social Marketplace of Ideas?
Research for Practice: OS Scheduling
To Regulate Tech, Nullify Click-Through Contracts
Finding the Right Mix of Creativity and Technology
Competing Agendas Roil Online Content Moderation Efforts
Duped No More: Navigating the Maze of Social Engineering Schemes
Machine Learning: The Road to Artificial Intelligence?
Optical Vectors Beam Multi-Bits
Federated Learning: How Private Is It Really?
ChatGPT in Computer Science Education: Freshmen’s Perceptions
Automated Tests Are the Safety Net
Giving Users More than They Can Handle
Mixed Abilities and Varied Experiences: A Group Autoethnography of a Virtual Summer Internship
Interns, full-time members, and affiliates of a Microsoft Research team focused on accessibility report on the experiences of virtual interns in 2020 navigating the challenges of working remotely.
The Carbon Footprint of Artificial Intelligence
Voice in the Machine: Ethical Considerations for Language-Capable Robots
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