October 2001 - Vol. 44 No. 10

The Business of Software: Zeppelins and Jet Planes: A Metaphor For Modern Software Projects
From Washington: Considering the Broadband Debate
Viewpoint: The Real Reason Why Software Engineers Need Math
Viewpoint: The ACM Declaration in Felten v. RIAA
Aspect-Oriented Programming: Introduction
Aspect-Oriented Programming with Adaptive Methods
Using Multidimensional Separation of Concerns to (Re)shape Evolving Software
Composing Crosscutting Concerns Using Composition Filters
Analyzing the Role of Aspects in Software Design
Does Aspect-Oriented Programming Work?
Structuring Operating System Aspects: Using AOP to Improve OS Structure Modularity
Handling Crosscutting Constraints in Domain-Specific Modeling
Aspect-Oriented Programming Using Reflection and Metaobject Protocols
Enabling Java For High-Performance Computing
Multiparadigm Communications in Java For Grid Computing
Technical Opinion: The Emperor with No Clothes
Technical Opinion: Hello, World Considered Harmful
Inside Risks: The Perils of Port 80