October 2000 - Vol. 43 No. 10

October 2000 issue cover image



Editorial Pointers

When considering this month’s special section on component-based enterprise frameworks, I was reminded of the photomosaic works of Robert Silvers. You’ve probably seen many examples of this artist’s work in recent years. He specializes in conjoining and layering hundreds of small images to form a totally different, yet recognizable, image. Indeed, the April 1998 cover […]

News Track

Computer science departments at U.S. colleges and universities are facing a depleted teaching staff as more professors test the entrepreneurial waters, reports the New York Times. While the hot economy has created a fair amount of turnover, observers say the current brain drain has not reached a crisis point. Many institutions are feeling the pinch […]

Forum: What Defines a Programming Relic?

Glass’s differentiation of art versus practice is right on the money (July 2000, p. 15). But what I see as the problem for the mature practitioner (besides the smugness of the younger ones) is not necessarily overcoming technical obsolescence but emotional obsolescence. And this is what upper management and the young practitioners sense as well. […]

Tapping on My Network Door

Readers of this column are familiar with the risks of illegal monitoring of Internet traffic. Less familiar, but perhaps just as serious, are the risks introduced when law enforcement taps that same traffic legally. Ironically, as insecure as the Internet may be in general, monitoring a particular user’s traffic as part of a legal wiretap […]

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