October 1999 - Vol. 42 No. 10

October 1999 issue cover image



Editorial Pointers

Mix three very good, yet very different, OO design and analysis methodologies together with a generous serving of strong programming ideas and contributing notations and you have the makings of the standard language of blueprinting software, also known as the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The story of how UML came to be is as fascinating […]

News Track

An ongoing experiment that may change the nature of air traffic control is being studied by the Federal Aviation Administration. The $25 million experiment, funded in partnership by government and the airlines, uses a radical new approach to the way pilots relay information to ground controllers: incorporating GPS with a technology that identifies the precise […]


Ned Kock’s article, "A Case of Academic Plagiarism" (July 1999, p. 96), was an interesting detective story that also shed some light on copyright laws, electronic publishing, and the frustration and aggravation encountered by authors who believe their work has been plagiarized. Kock ends his article by calling for a wider debate on academic plagiarism. […]

From Washington: the Ongoing Tug-of-War For E-Commerce Control

It was an unprecedented and symbolic moment: Last October, the U.S. government quietly invited 12 industry lobbyists to join the nation’s negotiating team for the pan-American free trade agreement. These lobbyists, representing the Motion Picture Association of America, America Online, the Software Publishers Association, among others, joined the citizenry’s diplomats largely because government officials wanted […]

Inside Risks: Risks of Relying on Cryptography

Cryptography is often treated as if it were magic security dust: "sprinkle some on your system, and it is secure; then, you’re secure as long as the key length is large enough—112b, 128b, 256b" (I’ve even seen companies boast of 16,000b.) "Sure, there are always new developments in cryptanalysis, but we’ve never seen an operationally […]

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