September 1999 - Vol. 42 No. 9

September 1999 issue cover image



Editorial Pointers

Distance learning—one of the current industry catchphrases—can trace its fairly young roots to the military where team training has become a powerful means for teaching groups of people in vastly different locales to work together. Distributed Mission Training (DMT) has been further enhanced recently by great advancements in VR and real-time networking technologies that now […]

News Track

The National Conference of Commissions on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) in July voted to promulgate the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA), formerly the Article 2B amendment of the Uniform Commercial Code. Under much scrutiny, and in the works for over 10 years, UCITA will govern all contracts in the development, sale, licensing, maintenance, and […]


I was quite surprised and disappointed by Michael Noll’s "Technical Opinion" ("Does Data Traffic Exceed Voice Traffic," June 1999, p. 121). The very premise that "today’s megamergers may be tomorrow’s megalosses" because voice traffic will continue to exceed data traffic is severely faulted, and the evidence is in error by Noll’s many omissions. Although Noll […]


Distance learning is a hot topic on U.S. college campuses. Recently, a trend has developed in many schools to offer complete email courses, and in some cases, one can obtain an entire degree via email [3, 4]. But there are nagging questions: In such a course, do students get a proper education? Do degrees offered […]
Research and Advances

Distributed Mission Training: Teams, Virtual Reality, and Real-Time Networking

Distributed Mission Training (DMT) is a revolutionary team-training paradigm currently evolving at the U.S. Department of Defense, especially in the Air Force. The objective of DMT is to concurrently train people in team efforts involving coordination, communication, and decision making. The teams may not necessarily be co-located and could be engaged in independent as well […]
Research and Advances

Multimodal Integrated Team Training

Distributed Mission Training is the creation of a shared environment comprised of real, virtual, and constructive systems that allow teams of individuals to train both individually and collectively. While DMT is primarily a team-training concept that has evolved in the U.S. Department of Defense for its operational forces, its foundations in terms of training principles […]

Inside Risks: the Trojan Horse Race

This year has been pivotal for malicious software (malware) such as viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. Although the problem is not new, Internet growth and weak system security have increased the risks. Viruses and worms survive by moving from computer to computer. Prior to the Internet, computers communicated slowly, mostly from floppy disks and bulletin […]

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