June 2000 - Vol. 43 No. 6

June 2000 issue cover image



Editorial Pointers

IT really doesn’t require a turn of the century to get computing professionals to address the enigma of system integration. It’s been an ongoing practice—complete with professional and financial headaches—since organizations realized the rich benefits of building, layering, and evolving their own unique information systems and application domains. Considering the critical role system integration plays […]

News Track

The tradition-bound institution may be late to the e-vironment, but many legal scholars are still stunned to learn the highest court in the U.S. opened its own Web site in mid-April (www.supremecourstus.gov). Many of the court’s written decisions will be posted online, as well as upcoming cases, opinions, orders, and arguments. The site makes it […]


This letter is a response to various points of view expressed in the March 2000 Communications. For want of a better title, I will call it a manifesto: entitled “A Plea for Dumb Computers.” The focus of the issue is improvement of the human-computer interface. The articles in the special section on perceptual user interfaces […]

Viewpoint: The Internet Patent Land Grab

At about 6 p.m., February 29, I posted an open letter to Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com on my Web site. I asked my customers to join me in protesting Amazon.com’s suit against Barnes & Noble for infringing Amazon.com’s "1-Click" patent. This event made news because my company sells hundreds of thousands of books each year […]
Research and Advances

Information System Integration

For information systems, it is increasingly difficult to draw a line around an application system and say that you own and control it. For example, as value chains extend beyond enterprises, supplier and customer systems become part of each other’s information architectures. Furthermore, in many application areas, data is distributed over a multitude of heterogeneous, […]

Inside Risks: Risks of Internet Voting

Risks in computer-related voting have been discussed here by Peter Neumann in November 1990 and by Rebecca Mercuri in November 1992 and 1993. Recently we’ve seen the rise of a new class of likely risks in this area, directly related to the massive expansion of the Internet and Web. This is not a theoretical issue—the […]

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