June 2001 - Vol. 44 No. 6

June 2001 issue cover image



Editorial Pointers

A lifetime ago, as a young Wall Street reporter, I would frequently walk through a major brokerage or banking firm on my way to an interview and see a dormant PC on every desk. Most of these machines were not even plugged in; in fact, you would often see phone numbers or names fingered in […]

News Track

A report finds that in the first quarter of 2001, a number of computer security issues, including incident and vulnerability reports, will top 2000 figures. The Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center (CERT), a government-funded R&D center based at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, reported receiving 7,047 incident reports, from Jan. 1–Mar. 31, putting 2001 […]


In "The battle over the Institutional Ecosystem in the Digital Environment" (Feb. 2001, p. 84), Yochai Benkler essentially claims that peer-produced information products are at least as valuable as commercially available products. This is not true, as today consumers are overwhelmed by the amount of information freely available on the Internet; much of it is […]
Research and Advances

Current Issues in E-Banking: Introduction

The one-to-one and interactive communication enabled by the Internet offers sellers and providers of services an unprecedented ability to learn about their customers and use this knowledge in their e-commerce strategies. This ability is especially fruitful in the financial services industry, which is quintessentially information-based and within which information technology advances are often first utilized. […]
Research and Advances

Technology For Supporting Supply Chain Management: Introduction

Supplying value to the consumer, that is, goods and services, is the essence of business. A supply chain is a network of organizations and their associated activities that work together, usually in a sequential manner, to produce value for the consumer. Customer-facing firms at the retail level, whether large department stores, automobile dealerships, or fast-food […]

Inside Risks: PKI: A Question of Trust and Value

On March 22, 2001, Microsoft issued a security bulletin (MS01–017) alerting the Internet community that two digital certificates were issued in Microsoft’s name by VeriSign (the largest digital certificate company) to an individual—an impostor—not associated with Microsoft. Instantaneously, VeriSign (a self-proclaimed "Internet trust company") and the entire concept of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and digital […]

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