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Toward a Safer and More Secure Cyberspace

Readers of this column are familiar with descriptions of cybersecurity threats and potentially dire consequences, particularly as more critical activities become dependent on cyberspace. They also recognize the high ongoing burden of living with and defending against cyberattacks. At the same time, many policymakers (including those with responsibility for security) have a wide range of […]

Computing in a less-developed country

Almost all of the nations of Latin America are so-called less-developed countries (LDCs). But unlike many such countries elsewhere, quite a few have recently attempted to install more democratic, or at least less authoritarian, governments that are permitting greater freedom of expression and information and encouraging market-oriented economic developments. The latter include decreasing protectionism and moves toward the privatization of state enterprises such as telecommunications companies. Given the land area, natural resources, and populations involved, these developments are potentially of enormous international importance. The information technologies (IT) could be used to accelerate and reinforce these political and economic changes.

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