July 2002 - Vol. 45 No. 7

Opinion Editorial pointers
The world of computer-generated graphics continues to mystify and enlighten both users and creators. Once used to transcend the real world, computer graphics now mirror the real world to such an extent it’s often difficult to tell where one ends and the other begins. As this month’s special section reveals, current technical advances have propelled […]
News News track
A U.S. government panel has been formed to check foreign student visa applications for possible terrorist risks, reports the Washington Post. The Interagency Panel on Advanced Science Security, consisting of representatives from the FBI, CIA, State Department, and INS, among others, expects to evaluate 2,000 applications a year submitted by researchers and students seeking to […]
Opinion Forum
I was delighted to read Philip Armour’s "Business of Software" column ("The Spiritual Life of Projects," Jan. 2002). Indeed the majority of those who think, plan, and act in workplaces are not very aware of the human dimension of the work and might read such words with a sarcastic smile. Armour seems quite familiar with […]
Opinion Electronic frontier
Does encouraging citizens to work with law enforcement to fight crime have the potential for abuse?
Opinion From Washington
The Ever-Expanding Network of Local and Federal Databases
Walking the ethical and legal line when it comes to accessing personal information.
News On site
A Post-Baccalaureate Undergraduate-Level Program in Computer Science
A one-year pilot education, tuition-free, that could be shared under an open-source license with the rest of the world.
Opinion Viewpoint
Rethinking the Value of It, Again
Challenging the view that IT is responsible for widespread productivity gains.
Research and Advances How the virtual inspires the real
How the Virtual Inspires the Real
The physical world increasingly approximates the virtual world of computer graphics.
Research and Advances How the virtual inspires the real
Computer graphics not only helps shape our artifacts but our understanding of what is true about the physical world.
Research and Advances How the virtual inspires the real
The Reality of Simulated Actors
The acting of actors will survive the digital revolution; their on-screen appearance may not.
Research and Advances How the virtual inspires the real
Computer Games and Scientific Visualization
How should scientists approach the innovations in visualization-rendering systems increasingly derived from computer game tools, interfaces, navigation techniques, and plot lines?
Research and Advances How the virtual inspires the real
Intraocular Surgery on a Virtual Eye
The EyeSi surgical simulation immerses the surgeon in an environment of real surgical instruments, virtual tissue deformations, and interactive 3D graphics.
Research and Advances How the virtual inspires the real
How computers can automatically build realistic 3D models from 2D images acquired with a handheld camera.
Research and Advances How the virtual inspires the real
Virtual Humans For Validating Maintenance Procedures
They can be sent to check the human aspects of complex physical systems by simulating assembly, repair, and maintenance tasks in a 3D virtual environment.
Research and Advances How the virtual inspires the real
Collaborative Augmented Reality
Blending reality and virtuality, these interfaces let users see each other, along with virtual objects, allowing communication behaviors much more like face-to-face than like screen-based collaboration.
A Call For the Home Media Network
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."---Alan Kay "…or at least posit a vision for others to build."---The authors
The concept of digital cities is to build an arena in which people in regional communities can interact and share knowledge, experiences, and mutual interests. Digital cities integrate urban information (both achievable and real time) and create public spaces in the Internet for people living/visiting the cities. Digital cities are being developed all over the […]
Smart cards and their related technologies are an emerging component of electronic commerce worldwide. In some countries, they are revolutionizing aspects of commerce, healthcare, and recreation.
E-Commerce and the Undulating Distribution Channel
Understanding the role of e-commerce in restructuring distribution channels by examining the factors influencing the collapse, shift, and expansion of channels.
Managing Electronic Interchange of Business Documents
Establishing a framework for controlled growth of electronic document interchange, based on a diverse set of technological, organizational, and interorganizational factors.
The Quality of Online Social Relationships
Online relationships are less valuable than offline ones. Indeed, their net benefit depends on whether they supplement or substitute for offline social relationships.
Opinion Technical opinion
Valuable lessons learned from implementation experiences in parts of the world with different cultural heritages.
Opinion Inside risks
As computer technologies increasingly invade everyday products, the risks of the traditional computer business must be revisited by each new industry, usually through failures. Issues include reliability of code, protection against component failure, security of data, privacy and security, safety, maintenance, and upkeep. There is one issue affecting all of these topics: ease of use. […]