April 2008 - Vol. 51 No. 4
Opinion Editorial pointers
System security, as covered in these pages many times, is the ultimate team effort. It takes more than specialized equipment and protective strategies to maintain a system’s operations. It takes users to adopt these measures and apply them whenever necessary. On Team Security, the user is the weakest player. Ryan West, a design researcher at […]
Opinion Forum
I applaud the goals of the research reported in "Women and Men in the IT Profession" (Feb. 2008) by Vicki R. McKinney et al. Unfortunately, the conclusions fell somewhat short of their goals; that is, it seems that women and men already in IT share similar socialization, experience, and attitude. Missing from the study was […]
News News track
A new computerized look at the biomedical research literature has turned up tens of thousands of articles in which entire passages appear to have been lifted from other papers. In fact, researchers estimate there may be as many as 200,000 duplicates among some 17 million papers in the leading life sciences and biomedical research database […]
News Call for nominations
Call For Nominations For Advanced Member Grades in the ACM
ACM has three distinct member grades to recognize the professional accomplishments of our members: Senior Member recognizes those ACM members, with at least 10 years of professional experience, that have demonstrated performance and accomplishment that set them apart. The list of recipients is found on: http://awards.acm.org/homepage.cfm?awd=159 Distinguished Engineer, Scientist, or Member recognizes those ACM members, […]
News ACM honors
ACM Honors Distinguished and Senior Members
ACM has three distinct member grades to recognize the professional accomplishments of its members. The list of those members recognized as ACM Fellows in 2007 was published in the March 2008 issue of Communications (p. 22). Here, we list those members named senior members and distinguished engineer, scientist, or member in 2007. The Distinguished Engineer, […]
Opinion Viewpoint
Solving Rubik’s Cube: Disk Is the New RAM
Substituting disk for RAM, disk-based computation is a way to increase working memory and achieve results that are not otherwise economical.
New products, new markets, and new forms of production impel the creative destruction of free enterprise. Open source software appears to be creative destruction in action.
Measuring Consumer Satisfaction in Internet Banking: A Core Framework
What service-quality attributes must Internet banks offer to induce consumers to switch to online transactions and keep using them?
The Provenance of Electronic Data
It would include details of the processes that produced electronic data as far back as the beginning of time or at least the epoch of provenance awareness.
Designing a Learning Management System to Support Instruction
The goal of an LMS, devised by a growing number of universities, is to offer faculty instructional support. The actual use of these programs, however, suggests thatsupport is elusive. An experience at National Taiwan University illustrates how a university can increase faculty usage through better LMS design.
Information Security and Risk Management
Use the new PCR risk metric to find ways to enhance security, avoiding one-dimensional metrics like ALE that could risk an organization's survivability.
A Typology of Complaints About Ebay Sellers
More could be done to reduce rising online fraud rates.
Missing Links: Building Critical Social Ties For Global Collaborative Teamwork
Face-to-face meetings may be invaluable, but they are not a panacea for the challenges facing teams spread around the globe---managers must also prioritize activities before and after these meetings to help team members stay connected.
Knowledge Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
A balanced combination of management support, technology, and organizational structural factors is necessary for successful knowledge management program implementation.
Demographic Changes in Is Research Productivity and Impact
Always considered an area dominated by North American institutions, there are signs afoot that the globalization of IS research productivity is making moves, particularly in Asia and Europe.
‘Most Wired Hospitals’ Rate Patient Satisfaction
Considering the role of IT as a variable in health care institution quality assessment.
Opinion Technical opinion
Comparing the U.S. IT job markets of the 1990s and 2000s.
Opinion Inside risks
It’s not a revelation that as a society we’re often amiss when it comes to properly prioritizing technological issues. So it should be no surprise that one of the most significant upcoming changes in our physical infrastructure is getting little play not only in the mass media, but in technology-centric circles as well. There are […]