April 2003 - Vol. 46 No. 4

April 2003 issue cover image


Opinion Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

Technologists today are in a precarious position. On the one hand they’re expected to build consumer electronics and computers that fulfill user desires to tap the Internet’s free-flowing nature, accessing and sharing all it has to offer. On the other hand they’re compelled by content owners and policymakers to build digital rights-enabled systems into these […]
News News track

News Track

While war might hurt the overall U.S. economy, homeland security could help boost the beleaguered U.S. tech industry in the form of million-, indeed, billion-dollar contracts in defense spending over the next two years. The Bush Administration plans to increase government spending on computers, software, and services to over $58 billion in FY03, up 17% […]
Opinion Forum


Alan Karp’s "Making Money Selling Content that Others Are Giving Away" (Jan. 2003) places the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) where it belongs—on the scrap heap of legislative solutions to outdated business models. Sometimes called the best legislation money can buy, the DMCA, along with digital rights management software, seeks to maintain existing business models. […]
Opinion Inside risks

On Sapphire and Type-Safe Languages

Beginning Saturday, January 25 at approximately 12:30 a.m. EST, a distributed denial-of-service attack spread rapidly throughout the global Internet. Within 10 minutes, most of the vulnerable hosts on the Internet were infected. By morning, Bank of America customers could not withdraw money from 13,000 ATMs. Continental Airline’s Web site was offline, forcing manual check-in. Normally […]

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