Anthropomorphism and Human-Robot Interaction
Talking about Large Language Models
Autocorrect Is Not: People Are Multilingual and Computer Science Should Be Too
Nonverbal Communication through Expressive Objects
In this work, we work closely with an AAC user to understand how motion through a physical expressive object can support their communication.
The User as a Key Ingredient in AAC Design
"Nonverbal Communication through Expressive Objects," by Stephanie Valencia et al., describes the design of a physical object to support communication and focuses on the active involvement of an expert Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) user as a member of the design team.
Shortcut Learning of Large Language Models in Natural Language Understanding
Why Is the Current XAI Not Meeting the Expectations?
Comparing Chatbots Trained In Different Languages
All Photos are Fake Until Proven Real
Accessibility and Inclusion through Technology
The Infrapolitics of Algorithmic Resistance
How to Ace IT Product Localization: The 101 Guide
Technical Perspective: A Rare Glimpse of Tracking Fake Reviews
"Leveraging Social Media to Buy Fake Reviews," by Sherry He et al., represents a breakthrough in our empirical understanding of fake reviews on Amazon.
"Locating Everyday Objects Using NFC Textiles," by Jingxian Wang et al., describes the potential of Near-Field Communication for advanced home automation.
It Is Time to Let Go of ‘Virtual Reality’
Designing a Framework for Conversational Interfaces
Show It or Tell It? Text, Visualization, and Their Combination
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