
Research and Advances

A technique for computer detection and correction of spelling errors

The method described assumes that a word which cannot be found in a dictionary has at most one error, which might be a wrong, missing or extra letter or a single transposition. The unidentified input word is compared to the dictionary again, testing each time to see if the words match—assuming one of these errors occurred. During a test run on garbled text, correct identifications were made for over 95 percent of these error types.
Research and Advances

Computer-made perspective movies as a scientific and communication tool

It is easy to program the basic transformation required for a perspective drawing. This fact plus the advent of high speed microfilm printers such as the General Dynamics Electronics S-C 4020 makes possible perspective movies as the direct output from a computer. The programming of such a movie is briefly described for studying the angular motions of a satellite containing an attitude control system. In the movie, a domino-shaped box represents the satellite and a sphere with circles of latitude and longitude represents the earth. The cost was approximately three to eight minutes of IBM 7090 time per one minute of movie.
Research and Advances

A general business-oriented language based on decision expressions

The structure of a digital computer programming language which covers a wide class of business and file processing applications is presented. Such a structure, based on identifying and incorporating into a compiler the aspects common to all processes of such class, permits writing extremely compact programs, even for comparatively complex applications, in terms of tables of control expressions which express only information characteristic of the particular application. Furthermore, local changes of a process (e.g. changes affecting only one of the output files involved) can be effected by local modifications in the program (e.g. modification of only one entry of the tables). This structure also allows for inexpensive preparation of loading-speed compilers which translate the source programs into efficient machine codes. The approach adopted here departs from conventional mechanical language design philosophies. It stresses the structural analysis of the class of processes to be represented in the languages, as opposed to emphasizing formal (i.e., contents-independent) syntactical definitions. It relies exclusively on nonprocedural representation of processes as sets (tables) of relations between data and results (there are no control statements such as GO TO, etc.), instead of using procedure descriptions (which are one-to-one translations of flowcharts). Here an invariant pattern of procedure is identified as characteristic of the class of all batch file processes.
Research and Advances

An automatic data acquisition and inquiry system using disk files

Lockheed Missiles and Space Company has installed a large-scale Automatic Data Acquisition (ADA) system which ties together the Company's manufacturing facilities located in Van Nuys and Sunnyvale, California. The system includes over 200 Remote Input Stations which collect and transmit Company operating data to a central Data Processing Center. Two RCA 301 EDP Systems are used to record and control the flow of data transmitted to the Data Processing Center. A large capacity RCA 366 Data Disc File is used to store information required to provide up-to-date information in response to inquiries received from remotely located Inquiry Stations. In addition to storage of data on the disk files, the system automatically records all incoming and outgoing data on magnetic tape to be used as input to the Company's conventional off-line business data processing applications.
Research and Advances

Dynamic storage allocation for an information retrieval system

This paper presents an information retrieval problem whose programming solution included dynamic storage allocation. Allocatable machine code is defined, and an assembly program to produce allocatable machine code is described. The work reported on was done as part of Project ACSI-MATIC1 which is concerned with the application of computer techniques to the activities of certain headquarters military intelligence operations of the U.S. Army [1, 2].
Research and Advances

A card format for reference files in information processing

This paper proposes a card format suitable for a variety of reference files in information processing. An 80-column IBM card is divided into two fields—reference material field (columns 1-67) and identification field (columns 68-80). The format for the reference material is flexible, while the format for the identification is rigid. The reference material includes basically an index, title, source, class, summary and cross reference for each entry. The identification includes basically codes for a matrix of descriptors, an entry number, and the kind, major interest, and source of the reference. The identification also provides a choice to identify material for personal as well as general files. Since this card format is sufficient to identify the material normally associated with reference files for books, articles, programming terms, hardware terms, equipment, machine systems, abbreviations, etc., it is suitable as a standard for card reference files in information processing.

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