
Tech Mainstays Promote Machines That Fix Themselves

Technology companies are embracing self-healing technology, a computing strategy that could have a major impact on the data center and the desktop. IBM uses self-healing technologies in WebSphere, DB2, the Lotus Foundations product line, and its Power servers. And Sun Microsystems has designed predictive self-healing modules that enable Solaris to self-diagnose and mitigate problems.

Does Drm Have a Future?

Digital rights management (DRM)  has emerged as a widespread tool to combat piracy. So far, however, DRM systems have proved highly inconvenient to consumers who wish to view or listen to content on multiple devices, including computers, media servers, set-top boxes, portable video and audio devices, even phones. They have also proved mostly ineffective in thwarting thieves.

The Long Slow Road to a $1 Million Millennium Prize

In 2006, the journal Science named the solution to the century-old Poincaré Conjecture as its "breakthrough of the year." Three years later, the Clay Mathematics Institute, which had pledged to award $1 million to the person who solves this or any of six others of its Millennium Prize Problems, has yet to name a winner. The delay sheds light on the onerous process of vetting solutions to mathematics' toughest problems.

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