Ethics and Equity in AI for Collaborative Learning
How Soon Will AI Start Firing Programmers?
A Year Embedded in the Crypto-NFT Space
The Interdisciplinarity of Data Science from the Perspective of the MERge Model
Everything. Everywhere. All at Once: AI Policy When Congress Returns
Face It, Self-Driving Cars Still Haven’t Earned Their Stripes
Duped No More: Navigating the Maze of Social Engineering Schemes
Machine Learning: The Road to Artificial Intelligence?
Federated Learning: How Private Is It Really?
ChatGPT in Computer Science Education: Freshmen’s Perceptions
Automated Tests Are the Safety Net
Teaching the FATE Community about Privacy
Stop Judging AI Using Human Exams
The Dissemination Game: Incentives of In-Person vs Virtual Participation
An Organizational Perspective on the Process of Adopting Executable Exams
Lessons from PL/I: A Most Ambitious Programming Language
VOT Challenge: Computer Vision Competition
ChatGPT Invents a Lot of Nonsense
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