
The First Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2013

The Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) 2013 is an annual event where 200 young researchers get to meet with and learn from 40 Turing Award, Fields Medal, Abel Prize and Nevanlinna Prize winners for a whole week from September 22-27, 2013 at the beautiful campus of the Heidelberg University. The laureates in attendance this year are the 40 of the best minds in mathematics and computer science.

Fixing the K-12 CS Teacher Certification Mess

This blog piece explores the mess that is K-12 Computer Science Teacher certification in the U.S. and why this matters. It introduces CSTA's new "Bugs in the System" report and provides practical recommendations for creating requirements that make sense and make a different.

Turing’s 1936 Paper and the First Dutch Computers

The following question has polarized the computer-science community: Did Alan Turing's 1936 paper 'On Computable Numbers' influence the early history of computer building? "Yes, certainly" and "No, definitely not" are often-heard answers. A third, more nuanced, response acknowledges a diversity of local computing habits in the 1940s-1950s, including Dutch computing habits that were based on Turing's 1936 "universal machine" concept.

Leaping the Exascale Chasm

The global race is on to build ever-faster supercomputers, fueled by a combination of scientific and engineering needs to simulate phenomena with greater resolution and fidelity, continued advances in semiconductor capabilities, and economic and political competition.

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