Professionals must invest in continuous education to understand AI's potential, avoid pitfalls, and harness its benefits.
A mobile application can generate situation-specific communication boards automatically from photographs.
Technical Perspective: Can AI Keep Accessible Communication in the Picture?
Recent research explores how AI can use photos to support communication, especially for people with communication impairments.
The LiteLoad project is working to quantify the impact of poor connectivity in rural areas near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, in Tennessee, as a testing ground.
Is It Math or CS? Or Is It Both?
Igor Markov's “Reevaluating Google’s Reinforcement Learning for IC Macro Placement” in the November 2024 Communications looks at two non-peer-reviewed papers and makes baseless allegations of scientific integrity issues, all already found to be without merit.
Strengthening Security Throughout the ML/AI Lifecycle
Automation, audits, and access control are some of the ways to enhance security in ML systems.
Considering Trauma in Accessible Design for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Research into making smart-device-based computing apps accessible to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities has revealed several design suggestions.
‘Superpowers’ of Gender Equality Failing to Establish Gender Balance in IT
The low participation of women in IT suggests a gap between gender-equality policies and a lack of engagement to achieve these policy ideals.
The realization of a self-designing software system is faced with key challenges.
I Was Wrong about the Ethics Crisis
Anxiety about the ills brought on by computing has risen dramatically.
Automated valuation models made home prices more equitable in unexpected ways: Black homeowners were paid more on average, and whites tens of thousands less.
Zero-Trust Security in Software Development
The zero-trust security model is a proactive approach to overcoming potential threats and enhancing application security.
Thinking of Algorithms as Institutions
Algorithms are not just lines of code; they are architectures that organize complex systems of interactions involving machines and humans.
Access to your production environment must be guarded jealously, even among your own team of developers.
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