

Robert Glass’s "Practical Programmer" column (Apr. 1999, p. 17), passed over some intangibles in his discussion of software inspections—specifically, some of the pros and cons of scheduling group review meetings vs. individual reviews. Though meetings incur extra overhead, they produce benefits such as inspection visibility, mentoring opportunities, and communication opportunities. Individual reviews mean less visibility, […]

News Track

Direct losses technology companies attribute to theft are now $250 million a year, and the industry spends another $750,000 a year on insurance and security measures, according to a study by the Rand Corp. The survey included 95 companies representing 40% of industry sales and found 1,700 incidents of theft in a nine-month period in […]

Viewpoint: Saving Our Sacred Honor

I get several Y2K-related queries from nontechnical folks almost daily. People genuinely confused and truly afraid because for the first time in their lives they are not sure they can trust the technologies they place great faith in, and yet, do not understand. In fact, according to one study, the U.S. public rates its overall […]

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