
News Track

Just as computers around the world are coping with the Y2K bug, the sun will enter the most violent and disruptive phase of its 11-year cycle, say astronomers, causing disruptions in satellite transmissions and triggering blackouts. According to reports at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society, researchers are forecasting the sun’s cycle to peak […]


Quality, consistency, and simplicity are critical attributes in high-tech products. But they are largely lacking in today’s software. Change is sorely needed. Software vendors, however, will not change voluntarily. They do not believe it is in their best interests to do so. But such change is usually brought about by pain, and vendors are not […]

Editorial Pointers

When Communications Senior Editor Andy Rosenbloom first pitched the special section featured in this issue, I must admit I rolled my eyes skeptically. Images that appear more real than real? I mean, come on. Was this sci-fi talk, or perhaps a touch of sci-in-the-sky? But Andy’s enthusiasm soon turned contagious as he described the various […]

Log on Education: Science in the Palms of Their Hands

In the beginning, there are children and the learning experiences we want them to have. Now, let’s bring in technology as the means for enabling those learning experiences. If we’re serious about having children use technology in K–12 classrooms, then we need to convince the gatekeepers of those classrooms as to the worth of the […]

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