ACM has recognized 42 of its members for significant contributions to the development and application of computing, in areas ranging from data management and spoken-language processing to robotics and cryptography. The achievements of the 2015 ACM Fellows are fueling advances in computing that are driving the growth of the global digital economy.
"Whether they work in leading universities, corporations, or research laboratories, these newly minted ACM Fellows are responsible for the breakthroughs and industrial innovations that are transforming society at every level," said ACM President Alexander L. Wolf. "At times, the contributions of a Fellow may include enhancements to a device that immediately impacts our daily lives. At other times, new research discoveries lead to theoretical advances that, while perhaps not immediately perceptible, have substantial long-term impacts."
The 2015 ACM Fellows have been cited for contributions to key computing fields including software research, data mining, computer graphics, computer and mobile systems, system security, multiprocessor and memory architecture design, and research in sensor networks.
ACM will formally recognize the 2015 Fellows at the annual Awards Banquet, to be held in San Francisco in June. Additional information about the 2015 ACM Fellows, the awards event, as well as previous ACM Fellows and award winners is available on the ACM Awards site at http://fellows.acm.org.
2015 ACM Fellows
Anastasia Ailamaki
Nancy M. Amato
Texas A&M University
David M. Blei
Columbia University
Naehyuck Chang
Hsinchun Chen
University of Arizona
Mary Czerwinski
Microsoft Research
Giuseppe De Giacomo
Universita’ di Roma "La Sapienza"
Paul Dourish
University of California, Irvine
Cynthia Dwork
Microsoft Research
Kevin Fall
Carnegie Mellon University
Babak Falsafi
Michael Franz
University of California, Irvine
Orna Grumberg
Ramanathan Guha
Google, Inc.
Jayant R. Haritsa
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Julia Hirschberg
Columbia University
Piotr Indyk
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tei-Wei Kuo
Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica
Xavier Leroy
Chih-Jen Lin
National Taiwan University
Bing Liu
University of Chicago
Yunhao Liu
Tsinghua University
Michael George Luby
Qualcomm Inc.
Michael Rung-Tsong Lyu
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ueli Maurer
ETH Zurich
Patrick McDaniel
Penn State University
Victor Miller
IDA Center for Communications Research
Elizabeth D. Mynatt
Georgia Institute of Technology
Judea Pearl
Jian Pei
Simon Fraser University
Frank Pfenning
Carnegie Mellon University
Dragomir R. Radev
University of Michigan
Sriram Rajamani
Microsoft Research, India
Pablo Rodriguez
Mooly Sagiv
Tel Aviv University
Peter Schröder
California Institute of Technology
Assaf Schuster
Kevin Skadron
University of Virginia
Wang-Chiew Tan
University of California Santa Cruz
Santosh Vempala
Georgia Institute of Technology
Tandy Warnow
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Michael Wooldridge
University of Oxford
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