October 2007 - Vol. 50 No. 10

October 2007 issue cover image


Opinion Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

It was only a matter of time before outsourcing branched off in so many directions it would turn back on itself. Where industry was once motivated to move production or support operations to vendors many time zones away in order to cut costs, a new trend is fast emerging that promotes such opportunities much closer […]
News News track

News Track

Psychologists are experimenting with virtual reality-based therapy to treat U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq who show signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). VR therapy, they find, provides methods for re-creating visual, auditory, and thermal cues to set the stage for treatment of veterans suffering from the disorder, which often causes nightmares and flashbacks. The Associated […]
Opinion Forum


The article "A Roadmap for Comprehensive Online Privacy Policy Management" by Annie I. Antón et al. (July 2007) provided a nice framework, but its discussion of the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) needs clarification. For one thing, it said "The P3P language does not have a clear semantics and can therefore be interpreted and presented […]
Opinion International perspectives

Post-Conflict Communications: the Case of Liberia

Liberia, founded in 1847 by freed African slaves from the U.S. is a relatively small country with approximately 3.3 million inhabitants (see Figure 1). Unrest has been common within Liberia for more than 25 years, with two major civil wars in this time period. These years of conflict have seen nearly one-third of the population […]
Opinion Hot links

Top 10 Downloads from ACM’s Digital Library

Communications of the ACM Volume 50, Number 10 (2007), Pages 118-118 Hot links: Top 10 downloads from ACM’s digital library Diane Crawford Table of Contents Tables Back to Top Tables Table. The Top 10 Most Popular Papers from ACM’s Refereed Journals and Conference Proceedings Downloaded in July 2007 Table. Top 10 Most Popular Magazine and […]
Opinion Inside risks

Toward a Safer and More Secure Cyberspace

Readers of this column are familiar with descriptions of cybersecurity threats and potentially dire consequences, particularly as more critical activities become dependent on cyberspace. They also recognize the high ongoing burden of living with and defending against cyberattacks. At the same time, many policymakers (including those with responsibility for security) have a wide range of […]

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