November 2005 - Vol. 48 No. 11

November 2005 issue cover image


Opinion Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

In a lecture almost 60 years ago, Alan Turing noted the point of building computers is to treat them as slaves, giving them only thoroughly spelled-out chores to do. Still, he wondered aloud, would it be necessary to always use computers in such a manner? As great as the technical achievements have been since then, […]
News News track

News Track

Not only are U.S. federal agencies making a concerted effort to recruit some of the most talented computer hackers, so too are Al-Qaida and other terrorist groups. Mark Rasch, former head of the Justice Department’s computer crime unit, notes an escalating trend in terrorist organizations trying to hire hackers to penetrate government and computer networks. […]
Opinion Forum


Michael A. Cusumano’s "Technology Strategy and Management" column ("The Puzzle of Japanese Software," July 2005) was intriguing but took a strange direction. He wrote that one study found that Japanese software projects have only one-twentieth the number of defects as their U.S. counterparts, and that "so few bugs may suggest an overly rigid style of […]
Opinion Hot links

Top 10 Downloads from ACM’s Digital Library

Communications of the ACM Volume 48, Number 11 (2005), Pages 25-26 Hot links: Top 10 downloads from ACM’s digital library Diane Crawford Table of Contents Tables Back to Top Tables Table. The Top 10 Most Popular Papers from ACM’s Refereed Journals and Conference Proceedings Downloaded in August 2005 Table. The 10 Most Popular Courses at […]
Opinion Inside risks

The Real National-Security Needs For VoIP

In August 2005 the Federal Communications Commission announced that the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) applies to broadband Internet access and "interconnected voice over IP" (VoIP). VoIP providers already had to comply with legally authorized wiretap orders; the FCC ruling means that all VoIP implementations would now have to pass federal wiretapping standards […]

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