January 2012 - Vol. 55 No. 1

January 2012 issue cover image


Opinion Letters to the editor

Software Engineering Is Engineering

I was confounded by the conclusion of Michael Davis's Viewpoint "Will Software Engineering Ever Be Engineering?" (Nov. 2011), mainly because anything I can do in code I can also do in digital hardware, analog hardware, fluidics, even gears and motors.

ACM President’s Letter

Early in 2011, IEEE Computer Society President Sorel Reisman and I began discussing how IEEE-CS and ACM could work together more cooperatively. We solicited suggestions from our members and received some ideas that are worth pursuing for the benefit of the community, which I discuss here.

ACM’s Annual Report

FY11 was a defining year for ACM as the largest educational and scientific computing society in the world. Many of the initiatives we have set forth over the last few years have taken root and we now see tangible evidence of their success.
Research and Advances Contributed articles

Flexible Experimentation in Wireless Sensor Networks

Virtual testbeds model them by seamlessly integrating physical, simulated, and emulated sensor nodes and radios in real time.
Research and Advances Research highlights

Networking Named Content

Current network use is dominated by content distribution and retrieval yet current networking protocols are designed for conversations between hosts. We present Content-Centric Networking which uses content chunks as a primitive — decoupling location from identity, security and access, and retrieving chunks of content by name.

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