December 2011 - Vol. 54 No. 12

December 2011 issue cover image



Computing For Humans

Leibniz conceived of a universal mathematical language in which all human knowledge can be expressed, and calculational rules carried out by machines to derive all logical relationships. His definition of computing captures, I believe, the essence of our field.
Opinion Letters to the Editor

To Boost Presentation Quality, Ask Questions

Moshe Y. Vardi's "Are You Talking to Me?" (Sept. 2011) said conference attendees are sometimes unable to follow speakers' presentations and eventually give up trying. How about an experimental conference where session chairs are expected to ask questions during presentations?

The Most Ancient Marketing

Before Apple, Steve Jobs famously went to India with a college friend. While I never had occasion to talk to Jobs about it, I have a theory I wish I had a chance to try out on him. The theory is that Jobs saw gurus in India, focal points of love and respect, surrounded by devotees, and thought to himself, "I want that job!"
Research and Advances Research highlights

Wherefore Art Thou R3579X?: Anonymized Social Networks, Hidden Patterns, and Structural Steganography

In a social network, nodes correspond to people or other social entities, and edges correspond to social links between them. We describe a family of attacks such that it is possible to learn whether edges exist or not between specific targeted pairs of nodes.

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