January 1999 - Vol. 42 No. 1

January 1999 issue cover image



Editorial Pointers

At a time when we tend to search for new solutions for each and every technical problem, it’s refreshing to discover that sometimes the right answer has been there all along. Such is the case with symbolic modeling—a steadfast field with deep roots, yet growing steadily in new and successful applications. Before a system can […]

News Track

Even though the gap continues to narrow between U.S. high school boys and girls in math and science, girls make up a smaller percentage of students in computer science classes, reports the American Association of University Women (AAUW). “Gender Gaps: Where Schools Still Fail Our Children,” is the first study to document the enrollment of […]


I was disappointed by the lack of quality in Richard Hsu’s "Viewpoint" ("Maintaining High Living Standards Through Innovation, Strong Patents," Oct. 1998, p. 27). Hsu fails to mention what he believes are the strengths and weaknesses of patent systems, implying that strong patent systems are flawless. He attacks faceless groups of "critics" (who I guess […]

Legally Speaking: The Communications Decency Act Is Not as Dead as You Think

When the Communications Decency Act was originally signed into law in 1996, there was a abundance of media coverage, particularly among media within the IS community. The focus of this coverage was on language in the CDA that sought to limit "indecency" on the Internet. In addition to the media coverage, the Internet’s own Blue […]

From the President: Starr Wars

You’ve got to hand it to the U.S. Congress. It sure got the Starr Report posted promptly on the Internet. But the report, which answered some questions many of us never asked, prompted other very interesting questions. Like why is it that Congress is unable to post other relevant material in an equally timely fashion? […]
Research and Advances

Symbolic Modeling in Practice

Modeling is a complex activity of abstracting information and knowledge from a particular domain in order to achieve a model containing the essentials from the perspective of the modelers and their given goals. While this definition includes building numeric models, for instance, we will focus here on symbolic modeling. Symbolic modeling is employed in a […]

Inside Risks: Evolving Telephone Networks

The U.S. public telephone network (PTN) is changing—partly in response to changes in technology and partly due to deregulation. Some changes are for the better: lower prices with more choices and services for consumers. But there are other consequences and, in some ways, PTN trustworthiness is eroding. Moreover, this erosion can have far-reaching consequences. Critical […]

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