December 2023 - Vol. 66 No. 12

Comparing Chatbots Trained In Different Languages
Saving Digital Libraries and the Internet Archive
Revamping Python for an AI World
Why Is the Current XAI Not Meeting the Expectations?
Five Ways Executives Misunderstand Technology
There Was No ‘First AI Winter’
Data Analytics Anywhere and Everywhere
Theoretical Analysis of Edit Distance Algorithms
Maximum Flow Through a Network: A Storied Problem and a Groundbreaking Solution
“Almost-Linear-Time Algorithms for Maximum Flow and Minimum-Cost Flow,” by Li Chen et al., comes within striking distance of answering the question: “Does maximum flow have a scalable algorithm?”
Almost-Linear-Time Algorithms for Maximum Flow and Minimum-Cost Flow
We present an algorithm that computes exact maximum flows and minimum-cost flows on directed graphs with m edges and polynomially bounded integral demands, costs, and capacities in m1+o(1) time.