August 2001 - Vol. 44 No. 8

August 2001 issue cover image



Editorial Pointers

In the opening remarks of his article on page 38, Daniel Keim tells us that one million terabytes (or one exabyte) of data are now generated globally each year, and 99.9% of it is digital. It’s clear the mammoth mountains of data we’ve discussed in these pages for so many years have reached Everestian proportions, […]

News Track

A global network of sensors initially designed to listen for clandestine nuclear blasts is now being used to detect violent winds, volcanic eruptions, and the crash of meteoroids from outer space, reports the New York Times. Though still under construction and primarily backed by the U.S., the International Monitoring System (part of the Comprehensive Test […]


As a practicing ICANN domain name dispute arbitrator, I found Michael Froomkin’s article "The Collision of Trademarks, Domain Names, and Due Process in Cyberspace" (Feb. 2001, p. 91) a bit too critical. First of all, it should be noted that about 50% of the respondents choose not to reply, which certainly helps explain the relatively […]
Research and Advances

Populating the Hermitage Museum’s New Web Site

Experts from around the world tackle one of the most ambitious Web-based museum projects and the result captures the true artistry of teamwork, technology, and yes, art.

Inside Risks: Risks in Email Security

It is easy to create bogus email with someone else’s email name and address: SMTP servers don’t check sender authenticity. Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) can help, as can digital signatures and globally-known trustworthy certification authorities (CAs) that issue certificates. The recipient’s email software verifies the sender’s certificate to determine his or her public key, […]

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