April 2021 - Vol. 64 No. 4

April 2021 CACM cover


Research and Advances Arab World special section: Big trends

A Panoramic Survey of Natural Language Processing in the Arab World

Though Arabic NLP has many challenges, it has seen many successes and developments.
Research and Advances Arab World special section: Big trends

Non-Traditional Data Sources: Providing Insights into Sustainable Development

The paucity of data on the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals provides an opportunity to use non-traditional data sources as a complement, in particular through the use of artificial intelligence.
Research and Advances Arab World special section: Big trends

Biomedical Computing in the Arab World: Unlocking the Potential of a Growing Research Community

The biomedical computing research community in the Arab world has been actively contributing to efforts that tackle long-standing biomedical challenges.
Research and Advances Arab World special section: Big trends

Networking Research for the Arab World: From Regional Initiatives to Potential Global Impact

The Arab region opens ample room for communications and networking innovations and services and contributes to the critical mass of global networking innovation.
Research and Advances Review articles

Transformers Aftermath: Current Research and Rising Trends

Attention, particularly self-attention, is a standard in current NLP literature, but to achieve meaningful models, attention is not enough.

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