April 2007 - Vol. 50 No. 4

April 2007 issue cover image


Opinion Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

As much as the idea of abstraction concerns the simplification of the complex, for some it is often a concept simply too complex to grasp. The cover image, for example, is a simple oval shape with a few shadowy indentations. No specific details are necessary; the owl is clearly apparent without them. In a field […]
Opinion Forum

Stop Chasing the AI Illusion

The last time I was as delighted by an article in Communications as I was by Peter Naur’s "Turing Lecture: Computing Versus Human Thinking" (Jan. 2007) was May 1979, over "Social Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs" by Richard A. De Millo et al. on the formal verification of programs. Maybe I just like […]
News News track

News Track

All space missions wrestle with producing enough power to complete their projects while restricting the weight of generators, batteries, and solar arrays onboard. Now, new research conducted by IntAct Labs, Cambridge, MA, is exploring the futuristic concept of covering spacesuits in motion-sensitive proteins that could generate power from astronauts’ movements, reports New Scientist. Biological organisms […]
News ACM honors distinguished members

ACM Honors Distinguished Members

ACM has three distinct member grades to recognize the professional accomplishments of its members. The list of those members recognized as ACM Fellows in 2006 was published in the March 2007 issue of Communications (p. 26). Here, we list those members named distinguished engineer, scientist, or member and senior members in 2006. Distinguished Engineer, Scientist, […]
News Call for nominations for advanced member grades in ACM

Call For Nominations For Advanced Member Grades in ACM

ACM has three distinct member grades to recognize the professional accomplishments of our members: Senior Member recognizes those ACM members with at least 10 years of professional experience that have demonstrated performance and accomplishment that set them apart. The list of recipients is available at awards.acm.org/homepage.cfm?awd=159. Distinguished Engineer, Scientist, or Member recognizes those ACM members […]

Proposal to Dissolve SIGAPL

The SGB EC brought forward a motion to dissolve SIGAPL, the Special Interest Group on the APL and J Languages based on an insufficient level of activity. The SGB EC recommends that SIGAPL's resources be used to provide up to two years worth of membership in another SIG of their choice (one year for SIGAPL members who have paid only one year of dues). Furthermore, the SGB EC has recommended that the SIGAPL community could organize conferences or other activities under the auspices of a more general SIG such as SIGPLAN. In accordance with ACM Bylaw 6 Section 11, this motion will be considered only after ACM's membership has had 60 days of notice to respond. If one percent of all ACM members, or five percent of SIGAPL members challenge the proposal to dissolve SIGAPL, the consideration of the motion will be delayed six additional months to give those challengers an opportunity to revitalize the SIG. ACM members who wish to challenge the proposed dissolution should contact Donna Cappo, Director of SIG Services, at cappo@acm.org, no later than June 15, 2007. Challenges must include your ACM membership number and should indicate whether you are a current member of SIGAPL. Other questions can be addressed to SGB Chair Joseph Konstan (konstan@acm.org).
Research and Advances

Investigating Value-Based Decision Bias and Mediation: Do You Do as You Think?

Individual perspectives reflect one's innate value structure and have direct bearing on how one examines problems, classifies information, and makes decisions. The results of this study indicate that when an information system forces decision makers to consider the perspectives of others, their own performance deviates from their personal set of values.
Opinion Hot links

Top 10 Downloads from ACM’s Digital Library

Communications of the ACM Volume 50, Number 4 (2007), Pages 93-94 Hot links: Top 10 downloads from ACM’s digital library Diane Crawford Table of Contents Tables Back to Top Tables Table. The Top 10 Most Popular Papers from ACM’s Refereed Journals and Conference Proceedings Downloaded in January 2007 Table. The 10 Most Popular Courses at […]
Opinion Inside risks

Risks of Virtual Professionalism

The software engineering and online gaming communities have been rocked by the conviction in a Texas court of an Icelandic programmer for crimes committed in the secret virtual world Third Life, which is entered via a hidden trap door in Second Life®. Two years ago, the Fifth Third Life Bank (FTLB) outsourced the programming of […]

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