Implications of structured programming for machine architecture
Architecture and Hardware
The evolution of the DECsystem 10
The development of the MU5 computer system
The Manchester Mark I and atlas: a historical perspective
Architecture of the IBM system/370
The evolution of the Sperry Univac 1100 series: a history, analysis, and projection
Merging with parallel processors
Combining decision rules in a decision table
Glypnir—a programming language for Illiac IV
Formal requirements for virtualizable third generation architectures
Compact representation of contour plots for phone line transmission
Execution characteristics of programs in a page-on-demand system
A simple linear model of demand paging performance
Scan conversion algorithms for a cell organized raster display
Optimal space allocation on disk storage devices
On the construction of a representative synthetic workload
The parallel execution of DO loops
A cell organized raster display for line drawings
A modular computer sharing systems
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