
Research and Advances

Transparent-mode control procedures for data communication, using the American standard code for information interchange—a tutorial

This paper gives the considerations of Task Group X3.3.4 in the area of transparent-mode data communication control philosophy. The appearance of this paper was forecast (under the name of “second-level control”) in the earlier tutorial paper, “Control Procedures for Data Communications,” Task Group document X3.3.4.44, dated May 1964. The present paper elaborates upon solutions to the problems of transparency to the basic ASCII communication control characters, as outlined in the previous paper mentioned above. Moreover, it goes on to cover the additional control problems of handling material such as offline encrypted data or non-ASCII codes by means of systems providing complete character transparency. It does not cover concepts of transparency in which the normal character structure or modulation rate of a system may be abandoned. In conjunction with the earlier tutorial paper, this paper is expected to lead to a proposal for standardization of data communication control procedures using the American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
Research and Advances

Time sharing in a traffic control program

The Toronto traffic-signal control system consists of a variety of logically distinct computer programs, all competing for machine time. To satisfy these demands, a time-sharing program has been written whose purpose is to execute, in the order of a predefined priority, the various subprograms within the real-time system. In this paper the more interesting aspects of the time-sharing program are outlined.
Research and Advances

An alternate checksum method

To increase reliability of transmission between magnetic tape and core storage on an IBM 7090/7094, blocks or records of data are often assigned a word called a logical checksum. This is a number derived from the block by some simple algorithm and as unique to it as possible. The method most commonly used to form a checksum is to add together every datum in the block by the ACL (add and carry logical) instruction.
Research and Advances

A method for comparing the internal operating speeds of computers

First, a table of frequencies of various types of operations is prepared based on experience in similar applications or, perhaps, on actual counts if these are available. Table 1 shows such a frequency table. Next, the total weighted execution time for a given operation type is obtained by multiplying the time required for the operation by the frequency count. Finally, an “average” operation time is calculated by summing overall operation types and dividing by the sum of the frequency counts. Table 2 shows the computation for the IBM 7090. Table 3 shows a comparison of average and relative speeds for several current computers for the particular application using the IBM 7090 as a reference base.
Research and Advances

Computer-usage accounting for generalized time-sharing systems

The current development of general time-sharing systems requires a revision of accounting procedures for computer usage. Since time-sharing system users operate concurrently, it is necessary to be more precise as to the amount of computer time and storage space that a user actually utilizes. The various cost factors which should be considered for computer usage accounting in generalized time-sharing systems are discussed.
Research and Advances

A Fortran II load-time saver

The FORTRAN II CHAIN feature on the 7090 can be used to save card-to-tape time, loading time, and to provide a convenient method for storing and transporting producting programs. The method is simply to load the desired program as a CHAIN and save the tape on which it is stored. A trivial program can then be used to recall the major program.
Research and Advances

report on CCITT data communications study group meeting

Data communications was the subject of a two-week meeting held 24 September through 4 October 1963, in Geneva, Switzerland, by the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT) Special Study Group A. Previous meetings of this group had been held in Geneva in April, 1960, and October, 1961. The CCITT has traditionally been responsible for all standardization activities involving the public telecommunications network of the world. Among the 150 participants, there were eleven USA representatives who represented the Government, various business machine companies and the common carriers.
Research and Advances

Some effects of the 6600 computer on language structures

The problem of compiling efficient 6600 codes prompted the development of an intermediate language reflecting the structure of the machine, that is more easily manipulated in improving object program efficiency. The subject of this paper is the intermediate language and methods of manipulating it. Compilations of a series of arithmetic statements are discussed. It is assumed that all functions and exponentials have been removed from these statements, and replaced by simple variables. For purposes of simplicity the treatment of subscripts is ignored. A simplified 6600 structure is presented to illustrate the compiling method. Several assumptions are made for purposes of simplification, although there are cases in which the assumptions are violated in the actual machine.

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