Research and Advances


The slow and inadequate response to the devastations caused by Hurricane Katrina in the southern U.S. and the Indian Ocean tsunami that flooded coastal areas across South and Southeast Asia have left deep marks in the emergency management community. Essential emergency management coordination processes broke down in the immediate aftermath of these disasters, and even […]


Author Archives

Research and Advances

Decision Support Systems

Decision support system" (DSS) has become a multifaceted term covering a wide range of functions and uses, too many to list fully here. For example, systems might support operational, tactical, or strategic decision making. They might simply provide summaries of data; they might forecast future developments in the context of present circumstances or they might […]
Research and Advances


This special section presents views of a society changing under the influence of advanced information technology. Computers have been around for about half a century and their social effects have been described under many headings. The title "Digital Society" chosen for this collection of articles is intended to call attention to fundamental IT-based transformations in social organization and structure.

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