On June 15, I went to San Francisco to live-tweet the ACM Awards banquet. Assembled below are all the tweets I posted on @CACMmag (which also showed up on the Twitter ticker on the CACM homepage) during the course of the awards ceremony:
Good evening and welcome to the ACM Awards! Tonight, we recognize some of the world’s leading computer scientists.
6:59 PM
First up: ACM president Vint Cerf, who will serve as tonight’s master of ceremonies.
7:10 PM
Cerf introduces Turing laureates: Richard Karp, Donald Knuth, Barbara Liskov, Judea Pearl, Dana Scott, Raj Reddy, Ron Rivest.
7:12 PM
ACM CEO John White: ACM now has nearly 110,000 members, more than half outside U.S.
7:13 PM
Introducing Kelly Gotlieb, ACM Awards Committee co-chair, who recalls his colleague Jim Horning.
7:16 PM
Succeeding Jim Horning onto awards committee, Cherri Pancake.
7:17 PM
Kelly Gotlieb introduces 2012 Award Committee chairs: Ravi Sethi, Benjamin Zorn, Mark Guzdial, Melanie Baljko, Barbara Simons…
7:20 PM
…William B. Poucher, Mary Jane Irwin, Lori Clarke, Susan Roger. Thanks for all their hard work.
7:21 PM
Next: Distinguished Service Award to ACM, which goes to Mateo Valero, founding coordinator of HIPEAC, from Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
7:25 PM
Paris Kanellakis Theory & Practice award, to Andrei Broder, Piotr Indyk, Moses Charikar, for their work on Locality-Sensitive Hashing.
7:28 PM
Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award, presented by Pearson Education executive editor Tracy Johnson to Eric Roberts.
7:34 PM
Google SVP Urs Hoelzle presenting Grace Murray Hopper Award to Dina Katabi and Martin Casado, for advancing efficiency of computer networks.
7:39 PM
ACM-W Athena Lecturer Award presented by ACM-W chair Valerie Barr, Google SVP of Knowledge Alan Eustace, to Katherine Yelick…
7:42 PM
Yelick will deliver her Athena Lecture at SC13 Supercomputing Conference In November. Yelick is co-inventor of Unified Parallel C, Titanium.
7:45 PM
ACM/AAAI Alan Newell Award is selected for career contributions that have breadth in computer science, or bridge CS and other disciplines.
7:47 PM
AAAI’s Eric Horvitz presents award to Stanford’s Yoav Shoham, Moshe Tennenholtz of Technion, Microsoft, for advancing multi-agent systems.
7:50 PM
Software System award recognizes development of a software system if lasting influence on computing.
7:53 PM
IBM Research’s Brent Hailpern presents Software System Award to designers and implementers of LLVM, Chris Lattner and Evan Cheng.
7:55 PM
And now, the A.M. Turing Award!
7:56 PM
Turing Award is universally recognized as computing’s most prestigious, given to those who make lasting contributions to advance CS.
7:58 PM
Turing Award is being presented by Limor Fix of Intel, Alfred Spector of Google, to Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali.
8:02 PM
Their paper, "Probabilistic Encryption," depicted encryption as a game, evolved into security techniques.
8:04 PM
Goldwasser proposes a toast "to the theory of computation, and to the ACM." Micali thanks his "best friend Shafi", colleagues, students.
8:12 PM
Micali also thanks ACM for turning computer scientists into a formidable community. "Long live computer science."
8:14 PM
Stay tuned, there are more #ACMawards to come!
8:49 PM
ACM-Infosys Foundation Award recognizes groundbreaking achievements by young scientists and system developers.
9:06 PM
Infosys Consulting CEO Stephen Pratt presents the award to Google’s Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat for tech behind Google search, indexing
9:11 PM
Vint Cerf presenting ACM Presidential Awards to those who advance computing technology and enhance its impact for the benefit of society.
9:15 PM
ACM Presidential Awards to Yunhao Liu, Fabrizio Gagliardi, P.J. Narayanan, for helping to expand ACM in China, India, Europe.
9:17 PM
Gagliardi: July 1, ACM Europe will be established as a legal entity, despite tough economic environment
9:15 PM
Outstanding contribution to ACM Award goes to Zvi Kedem, editor-in-chief of ACM Computing Classification System 2012 Update Project.
9:24 PM
Eugene L. Lawler Award 4 Humanitarian Contributions within Computer Science & Informatics goes to Geoinformatics for Schools (GI@School).
9:27 PM
Thomas Bartoschek and Johannesburg Schoening accept award for GI@School.
9:28 PM
Doctoral Dissertation Award goes to author of the best doctoral dissertation in CS & Engineering. Google sponsors the award.
9:30 PM
Google SVP Amit Singhal presents the award to Shyamnath Gollakota, assistant professor of CS&E @MIT.
9:32 PM
Honorable mentions for the Doctoral Dissertation Award: Peter Hawkins of Google, Gregory Valiant of Microsoft Research.
9:34 PM
Microsoft Research’s Judith Bishop & Chair of Student Research Competition Laurie Ann Williams (NCSU) announce winners of the competition.
9:37 PM
Heather Underwood, Tiffany Inglis, Jeyavijjayan Rajendran grad winners; Zachary Coker, Olivier Savary-Belanger, Mairin Chesney undergrads
9:40 PM
Computing Research Assn. exec. director Andrew Bernat presents CRA awards for outstanding accomplishments in computing research,
9:42 PM
CRA Distinguished Service Award goes to Peter G. Neumann, principal scientist at SRI International.
9:44 PM
A. Nico Habermann Award goes to an individual who makes outstanding contributions in increasing representation of women, minorities in CS.
9:47 PM
Award goes to the late David Notkin, PhD student of Habermann, later professor of CS&E; accepted by his children.
9:50 PM
ACM introduces its newest Fellows, outstanding members honored for their achievements and contributions to CS, Information Technology.
9:52 PM
Newest Fellows: Gustavo Alonso, Lars Arge, Pierre Baldi, Hans-J. Boehm, Tracy K. Camp, Rick Cattell, Larry S. Davis, Ahmed k. Elmagarmid…
9:55 PM
…Simson L. Garfinkel, Garth A. Gibson, Saul Greenberg, Markus Gross, David P. Grove, Jonathan Grudin, Manish Gupta, John Hershberger…
9:58 PM
…Andrew B. Kahng, Gregor Kiczales, Masaru Kitsuregawa, Klara Nahrsted, Joseph O’Rourke, Rajeev R. Rastogi, Raj Reddy…
10:00 PM
Robert S. Schreiber, Steven Scott, Bart Selman, Yoav Shoham, Clifford Stein, Ion Stoica, Roberto Tamassia, Walter F, Tichy…
10:02 PM
…Patrick Valduriez, Katherine Yelick, Ramin Zabih, Xiaodong Zhang. Congratulations to all the new Fellows!
10:06 PM
Vint Cerf introduces new ACM Awards Committee co-chair Cherrie Pancake, who introduces Award subcommittee co-chairs.
10:08 PM
Pancake: I hope all of you remember that these individuals, and all members of our Awards committees are volunteers.
10:11 PM
Pancake: We urge you to support them by nominating colleagues whom you feel to be deserving of these awards.
10:12 PM
Cerf: We congratulate all the new ACM award recipients and new ACM fellows. We look forward to seeing all of you next year!
10:14 PM
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