What Should We Do when Our Ideas of Fairness Conflict?
Research and Advances
10 Things Software Developers Should Learn about Learning
Theoretical Analysis of Edit Distance Algorithms
Data Analytics Anywhere and Everywhere
Informatics Higher Education in Europe: A Data Portal and Case Study
Scrambled Features for Breakfast: Concepts of Agile Language Development
Show It or Tell It? Text, Visualization, and Their Combination
How Many Ways Can You Teach a Robot?
A Computational Inflection for Scientific Discovery
A Tale of Two Markets: Investigating the Ransomware Payments Economy
The Principles of Data-Centric AI
Data Science–A Systematic Treatment
Theoretical Analysis of Sequencing Bioinformatics Algorithms and Beyond
Fusing Creativity and Innovation in Asia’s Manufacturing Industry
Co-Designing Personalized Assistive Devices Using Personal Fabrication
MEXT Society 5.0 Realization Research Support Project
This special section highlighting East Asia and Oceania brings together some of the most innovative research in computer science and technology from this flourishing region.
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