
Moving Beyond Text-Based Video Search

Current disputes on the appropriate format for conducting searches of online video threaten to dredge up old battles on the superiority of linear, textual styles of presentation versus visual-spatial representations. The conflict centers on whether the underlying qualitative meaning of a video is best captured through text or whether tools developed for the analysis of static visual features are portable to a video environment.

Rewiring Cities For a More Convenient Future

Over the next few years, several Chinese cities aim to add broadband and other services that establish them as "e-cities" or "digital cities." The cities will use a combination of communications and computing infrastructure to help create "a more convenient society for citizens, business and the government," according to a company that will manage  e-city implementations for Nanjing and Haineng.

Managing Data

Dealing with terabytes of data is not the monumental task it once was. The difficult part is presenting enormous amounts of information in ways that are most useful to a wide variety of users.

In the Virtual Extension

Communications' Virtual Extension brings more quality articles to ACM members. These articles are now available in the ACM Digital Library.

Medical Nanobots

Researchers working in medical nanorobotics are creating technologies that could lead to novel health-care applications, such as new ways of accessing areas of the human body that would otherwise be unreachable without invasive surgery.

Cloud Computing Spurs New Encryption Solutions

University of Washington researchers’ announcement that they had created an encryption scheme called Vanish captured a lot of attention for its elegant simplicity, but two more arcane developments—presented at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Crypto in the Clouds Workshop on the security challenges of cloud computing—promise more fundamental changes in applied cryptography.

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By opening CACM to the world, we hope to increase engagement among the broader computer science community and encourage non-members to discover the rich resources ACM has to offer.

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