Towards an Unhackable Quantum Internet
R. Colin Johnson
Harvard University researchers achieve “a milestone along the path to a worldwide quantum Internet.”
Pandemic Makes Modeling’s Importance Clear
The number of COVID-19 models was growing so numerous that one laboratory created a COVID-19 forecasting hub featuring an ensemble output of numerous models.
Cryptographers are developing algorithms to ensure security in a world of quantum computing.
Reducing and Eliminating E-Waste
We need to mitigate the environmental impact of disposing of electronics at their end of useful life.
Facial recognition technology faces opposition from technology industry giants, and from the grass roots.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services networks were hit by a Distributed Denial of Service attack just as the coronavirus pandemic was ramping up.
Exit From the Covid-19 Lockdown: There’s an App for That
The Dutch government wants every citizen to download an app for tracking and tracing potential Covid-19 infections, but the app does not yet exist.
Financial institutions use AI to create "synthetic identities" for customers; hackers use 'bad' AI to fool the 'good' AI.
Evolutionary Algorithm Spawns ‘Living Robots’ from Frog Cells
When an evolutionary algorithm generates a successful robot design, the next step is usually to manufacture a physical robot from metals or plastics. Now, researchers are using living cells.
ACM A.M. Turing Award recipients, Ed Catmull and Pat Hanrahan, overcame industry indifference to found Pixar and put their computer graphics expertise to work.
Hiring from the Autism Spectrum
Companies increasingly are looking to hire people who are on the autism spectrum to fill IT roles.
Artificial intelligence makes sense of radio signals to understand what someone in another room is doing.
The ethics of artificial intelligence is increasingly part of school curricula. Will it lead to a better world?
Using Crowdsourced Computing to Fight the Coronavirus
Folding@Home is more powerful than the world’s top seven supercomputers combined.
Hospital wards, grocery stores, and food delivery services are turning to robotic devices to better navigate the pandemic.
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