If You Want High School CS, Require Undergraduate CS
Research Directions For Machine Learning and Algorithms
Information Privacy: Changing Norms and Expectations
When Everything Is Embarrassing: Designing With Teenage Girls
Stonebraker on Data Warehouses
Embracing Noise or Why Computer Scientists Should Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Errors
Why Have There Been So Many Security Breaches Recently?
The Long Road to a Seat at the Table
A Successful NY Celebration of Women in Computing!
New York Celebration of Women in Computing
From ‘Must’ and ‘Unsuitable’ to Design Guidelines in Computing Education
Call to Arms: Science and Engineering For Privacy
Explaining Science and Engineering
Algorithm Visualizations and Community Building
TeachScheme! Using Mathematics to Teach Programming
Scientists, Engineers, and Computer Science; Industry and Research Groups
Software Verification Turns Mainstream
At the NSF CE21 Meeting: We Have Such a Long Way to Go
Let’s Teach Malware When It’s Ready: The Purpose of Undergrad CS
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