Research and Advances
Computing Applications East Asia and Oceania Region special section


Sue Moon, Ann Nicholson, Abhik RoyChoudhury, and April 2020 CACM cover illustration
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Sue Moon, Ann Nicholson, Abhik RoyChoudhury, and April 2020 CACM cover illustration

Welcome to the special section covering East Asia and Oceania. Our region includes Southeast Asia, Oceania, and Asia-Pacific countries including Japan and Korea. The articles within this section—noted as Hot Topics and Big Trends—highlight the research and innovation emerging from the region as well as helps to strengthen the research collaboration and communication with various regions of the world.

The inventive minds of the researchers and practitioners in the region have put computing technology to great use as illustrated in diverse applications ranging from preserving cultural heritage to services designed to enhance the digital economy. These themes constitute some of the subjects explored in the Hot Topics section.

Big Trends in the region range from research trends to trends involving significant investments by local governments to support specific disciplines. These trends include technological advances such as advances in 5G, research advances in program analysis and trustworthy computing, and government initiatives in artificial intelligence and healthcare.

No section spotlighting this part of the world would be complete without a discussion of the collaboration and engagement efforts across the region. A workshop, held at the National University of Singapore in August 2019, strengthened our efforts in this direction. We discovered several existing conferences, such as AsiaCrypt, that build regional research networks. We thus present an article narrating experiences from the AsiaCrypt community. In addition, we present an article describing the Shonan meetings—a significant initiative from Japan’s National Institute of Informatics (NII) that provides a forum for research interaction across topics in computer science.

We hope this special section serves to encourage Communications readers to engage more with researchers and research efforts in our region.

Sue Moon, Ann Nicholson, and Abhik Roychoudhury
Co-organizers of East Asia and Oceania Region Special Section

Figure. First row from left to right: Ping-Hai Hsu, Lihan Chen, Vivy Suhendra, Thomas Ho, Karen Teh, Abhik Roychoudhury, Ann Nicholson, Lam Kwok Yan, Sue Moon, Sally Cunningham. Second row from left to right: Jing Ma, Jakob Rehof, Sriram Rajamani, Lee Ching Yi, Fariz Darari, Ariel Liebman, Carsten Rudolph, Raphael Phan, Chris Bain, Ben Leong, Campbell Wilson, and Haibo Chen.

Figure. Watch the co-organizers discuss this section in the exclusive Communications video.

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