October 2023 - Vol. 66 No. 10

Using Psychology to Bolster Cybersecurity
Generative AI as a New Innovation Platform
Certification of Safety-Critical Systems
New Threats to Society from Free-Speech Social Media Platforms
It Is Time to Let Go of ‘Virtual Reality’
Designing a Framework for Conversational Interfaces
Combining the latest advances in machine learning with earlier approaches.
Show It or Tell It? Text, Visualization, and Their Combination
Generating and Exploiting Automated Reasoning Proof Certificates
Technical Perspective: A Rare Glimpse of Tracking Fake Reviews
"Leveraging Social Media to Buy Fake Reviews," by Sherry He et al., represents a breakthrough in our empirical understanding of fake reviews on Amazon.
Leveraging Social Media to Buy Fake Reviews
We study the market for fake product reviews on Amazon.com.
"Locating Everyday Objects Using NFC Textiles," by Jingxian Wang et al., describes the potential of Near-Field Communication for advanced home automation.
Locating Everyday Objects Using NFC Textiles
This paper builds a Near-Field Communication-based localization system that allows ordinary surfaces to locate surrounding objects with high accuracy in the near-field.