ACM Is Built on Volunteers’ Shoulders
October 2010 - Vol. 53 No. 10
ACM President Alain Chesnais says the association is largely built on the energy and devotion of its many dedicated volunteers. View this dynamic visual representation of volunteers' involvement with the SIGGRAPH 2010 conference.
Opinion Letters to the editor
How to Celebrate Codd’s RDBMS Vision
While we were pleased Communications celebrated E.F. Codd's seminal article "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks" (June 1970) in "Happy Birthday, RDBMS!" by Gary Anthes (May 2010), we were also dismayed by its inaccuracies.
In Search of Database Consistency
Michael Stonebraker discusses the implications of the CAP theorem on database management system applications that span multiple processing sites.
Opinion CACM online
ACM is planning to launch a mobile version of the Communications website and a series of mobile applications in the coming months. We have been directly and indirectly collecting data from members for months to help guide our decision making.
A novel approach to computational logic is reaching maturity, opening up opening up new vistas in programming languages, proof nets, and security applications.
Open source 3D printers could herald the start of a new industrial revolution.
Software code can provide important insights into the results of research, but it's up to individual scientists whether their code is released---and many opt not to.
Opinion Historical reflections
The Victorian world was awash with data and with organizations that processed it; and they usually used nothing more technologically advanced than pen and paper.
Opinion Technology strategy and management
Platforms and Services: Understanding the Resurgence of Apple
Combining new consumer devices and Internet platforms with online services and content is proving to be a successful strategy.
Opinion Inside Risks
Risks of Undisciplined Development
An illustration of the problems caused by a lack of discipline in software development and our failure to apply what is known in the field.
Opinion Kode Vicious
The way you number your releases communicates more than you might think.
Opinion Viewpoint
Score: Agile Research Group Management
Adapting agile software development methodology toward more efficient management of academic research groups.
Photoshop Scalability: Keeping It Simple
Clem Cole and Russell Williams discuss Photoshop's long history with parallelism, and what is now seen as the chief challenge.
Thinking Clearly About Performance, Part 2
More important principles to keep in mind when designing high-performance software.
Tackling Architectural Complexity with Modeling
Component models can help diagnose architectural problems in both new and existing systems.
Research and Advances Contributed articles
A Neuromorphic Approach to Computer Vision
Neuroscience is beginning to inspire a new generation of seeing machines.
Research and Advances Contributed articles
How Offshoring Affects IT Workers
IT jobs requiring interpersonal interaction or physical presence in fixed locations are less likely to be sent out of the country.
Research and Advances Review articles
Originally invented for music/data sharing and volunteer computing, P2P systems have become an efficient means for delivering content and innovative services.
Research and Advances Research highlights
Technical Perspective: A VM ‘Engine’ That Makes a Difference
The past decade has witnessed a renaissance in server virtualization. Diwaker Gupta et al. present a novel approach for significantly improving the efficiency of virtualized servers.
Research and Advances Research highlights
Difference Engine: Harnessing Memory Redundancy in Virtual Machines
Virtual machine monitors are a popular platform for Internet hosting centers and cloud-based compute services. But main memory is not amenable to multiplexed hardware resources and is often a bottleneck in achieving higher degrees of consolidation.
Research and Advances Research highlights
Technical Perspective: Belief Propagation
Nearly every modern tracking system is based on the seminal work of Rudolf Kalman who developed the optimal fusion algorithm for linear dynamics under Gaussian noise.
Research and Advances Research highlights
Nonparametric Belief Propagation
Probabilistic graphical models and algorithms for approximate inference have proven to be powerful tools in a wide range of applications in statistics and AI. However, applying these methods to models with continuous variables remains a challenging task.
Opinion Last byte
Tony Hey talks about Jim Gray and his vision of a new era of collaborative, data-intensive science.