November 1986 - Vol. 29 No. 11

November 1986 issue cover image


Research and Advances

MIS in Soviet industrial enterprise: the limits of reform from above

The USSR has carried out a large-scale program to bring computer-based information systems, called Automated Enterprise Management Systems (ASUPs), to industrial enterprises. This program illustrates the extent to which computer-based information systems are inextricably embedded in the surrounding social, economic, and political systems.
Research and Advances

Schematic pseudocode for program constructs and its computer automation by SCHEMACODE

To achieve program control flow representation that is relatively independent of any given programming language, schematic pseudocode (SPC) uses a perceptual notation system composed of schemata whose syntax rules are described by a grammar. Source code documentation is supported by operational comments, and translation into a target procedural language is fully automatic.
Research and Advances

An experimental program investigating color-enhanced and graphical information presentation: an integration of the findings

A series of three laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the influence of graphical and color-enhanced information presentation modes on decision quality, decision making time, use of information, and user perceptions. The experimental design allowed for the unconfounded study of line graphs and color using a variety of information presentation designs for the same decision making task. Based on the findings of these studies, propositions about the impact of graphics and color on individual decision makers are presented. The influence of presentation mode on human performance and the perceived value of information is related to how well it supports the solution approach to a particular task. The benefits of graphics are limited to reducing decision making time but only when the graphical report has been designed to directly assist in solving the task. Multicolor reports aid in decision making, but only in specific circumstances, that is, their benefits are not pervasive. It appears that color is more advantageous when associated with graphical reports, for certain decision maker types, during learning periods, and in time constrained environments.

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