June 1999 - Vol. 42 No. 6

June 1999 issue cover image



Editorial Pointers

The Internet’s roots may be planted firmly in U.S. soil, but its branches now embrace the world, connecting cultures and, thus, reordering our sociological structure on the grandest scale of all. We’re only just beginning to sense the potency of this phenomenon. Indeed, by the time you finish this month’s special section, I’m sure you’ll […]

News Track

At major U.S. corporations last year, there was a 43% chance—up sharply from 35% in 1997—employers monitored workers’ email files, voice mail, computer files, phone calls or other work-related activities, according to the American Management Association (AMA). Polling 1,054 human resource managers, the New-York-based AMA said the sample mirrored its corporate membership of 10,000 organizations […]

International Perspectives: Software Strategies in Developing Countries

Globalization touches everything these days, and software is no exception. It’s big business in developing countries (DCs),1 from the headline-grabbing software factories of Bangalore to the back-street database designers of Nairobi. And no wonder: many of these countries have cheap, talented labor that finds an easy route into a business that is labor-intensive, has relatively […]


Robert Glass’s "Practical Programmer" column (Apr. 1999, p. 17), passed over some intangibles in his discussion of software inspections—specifically, some of the pros and cons of scheduling group review meetings vs. individual reviews. Though meetings incur extra overhead, they produce benefits such as inspection visibility, mentoring opportunities, and communication opportunities. Individual reviews mean less visibility, […]

From the President: Melissa’s Message

If you’ve spent the last several months in the Galapagos Islands, you may not have heard of the Melissa virus. As the rest of us now know, Melissa is designed to let itself replicate exponentially by exploiting the ability of Microsoft Word to run macro attachments, a known security risk. While Melissa caused some sites […]

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