The Ritual of Academic-Unit Review
July 2016 - Vol. 59 No. 7

Rethinking Computational Thinking
Progress in Computational Thinking, and Expanding the HPC Community
Graph Matching in Theory and Practice
Apple v. Samsung and the Upcoming Design Patent Wars?
How Charles Bachman Invented the DBMS, a Foundation of Our Digital World
Big Data Analytics and Revision of the Common Rule
Should You Upload or Ship Big Data to the Cloud?
Formula-Based Software Debugging
Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Single Repository
λ > 4: An Improved Lower Bound on the Growth Constant of Polyominoes
Technical Perspective: Combining Logic and Probability
Technical Perspective: Mesa Takes Data Warehousing to New Heights
Mesa: A Geo-Replicated Online Data Warehouse For Google's Advertising System