July 2004 - Vol. 47 No. 7

July 2004 issue cover image


Opinion Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

In less than a decade, the Internet has become so ingrained in our daily lives that many of us would agree we could not imagine living without it. But is it truly indispensable? Hoffman et al. surveyed the domestication of the Net and found not only an astronomical rise in the number of users in […]
News News track

News Track

The National Science Foundation and the National Science Board (which oversees the NSF) issued their strongest warnings yet regarding the loss of U.S. dominance in critical areas of science and innovation and the shortage of U.S. scientists entering technical fields. In two New York Times reports, federal and industry experts traced the steady decline of […]
Opinion Forum


Pearl Brereton neglected to include product usability in the software procurement paradigm, as she described it in "The Software Customer/Supplier Relationship" (Feb. 2004). Whether organizations are buying large amounts of commercial off-the-shelf, custom, or component software, all are concerned about productivity and total cost of ownership. But software product selection is multi-dimensional, including functionality, price, […]
News On site

Is Telemedicine the Panacea For Sub-Saharan Africa’s Medical Nightmare?

"Ever since my eye swelled up, I've gone to church to pray for a cure...I always knew He would send a way to make me better---I just didn't know it was going to be from London," says Anna Mobutsu, a 23-year-old farm laborer, who cannot imagine journeying farther than a bus ride from her home in the small African town of Nelspruit. An illiterate single parent with a 7-year-old and an elderly mother to support on about $56 a month, Anna does not even own a TV to introduce her to a world beyond her own. "But this afternoon I went to London" [2].

A Model For Evaluating It Security Investments

Assessing the return on investment has always been a sticking point for technology investments. Similar to IT productivity paradox [1], Return on Security Investment (ROSI) has become a controversial topic due to immense growth of e-businesses. Defining the value of security investments is challenging. However, it is clear that “security consumers will need to understand […]
Opinion Inside risks

Insider Risks in Elections

Many discussions of voting systems and their relative integrity have been primarily technical, focusing on the difficulty of attacks and defenses. This is only half of the equation: it’s not enough to know how much it might cost to rig an election by attacking voting systems; we also need to know how much it would […]

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